This year is my first year in the team of the ESPE Yearbook writers in the role as co-editor (CF). As honored as I was when offered this post last year, as afraid I was in the past weeks when facing the task. Although I have been co-author of the Adrenal Chapter and then the lead of the Chapter on Differences of Sexual Development and Gender Dysphoria for the last 5 years, overlooking the whole Yearbook project seemed a challenging task. But having Ken Ong on my side, I realized that he is actually in full control, very experienced and extremely efficient. He made my start into the new role as a co-editor for the ESPE Yearbook easy and enjoyable, while taking extra efforts with a newcomer on his side. Therefore, I would like to thank Ken and give him the extra credit he deserves by writing these words.
We are indebted to Ze’ev Hochberg (Haifa) who originated and coedited the Yearbook since its first edition in 2004 until last year, and we wish him a long and happy retirement.We also thank ESPE, Bioscientifica and all of the Associate Editors and their teams for their crucial roles in supporting the Yearbook. In our ongoing quest to improve the content and format of the Yearbook, we welcome your comments and suggestions.
Christa E. Flück and Ken K. Ong