ESPEYB19 1. Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology Basic Science and Stem Cells (4 abstracts)
Elife. 2021 Jan. 10:e59142. doi:
Brief Summary: The authors studied genetic mice models to show that pituitary stem cells can secrete WNT ligands to their committed progeny and promote their expansion.
The anterior pituitary contains a population of Sox2 expressing stem cells (Sox2+ PSCs), which self-renew and give rise to lineage-committed progenitors and functional endocrine cells. The WNT pathway is upregulated during growth and regeneration, which raises the question about the relationship between Sox2+ PSCs and Wnt signaling.
Using the WNT signaling activity reporter mice line, the authors noticed that all the different cell types of the anterior pituitary are WNT-responsive. Through lineage tracing, they found that activation of the WNT pathway is necessary for the expansion of the pituitary populations. By checking the gene expression profiles of Sox2+ and Sox2- cells, they found that Sox2+ PSCs express WNT ligands as well as essential components regulating activation of the WNT pathway. Furthermore, they used another genetic mouse model to block WNT secretion specifically in Sox2+ PSCs, and found that it reduced the proliferation of pituitary cells.
This study discovered a novel function of Sox2+ PSCs to drive the expansion of committed progenitors through secreting WNT ligands and is of relevance to understanding development, disease, regeneration, aging, and cancer of the pituitary gland.