ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

Previous issue | Volume 20 | ESPEYB20 | Next issue

Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2023

1. Thyroid

Autoimmune Thyroid Disease

ey0020.1-11 | Autoimmune Thyroid Disease | ESPEYB20

1.11. Incidence, prevalence, and co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders over time and by age, sex, and socioeconomic status: a population-based cohort study of 22 million individuals in the UK

N Conrad , S Misra , JY Verbakel , G Verbeke , G Molenberghs , PN Taylor , J Mason , N Sattar , JJV McMurray , IB McInnes , K Khunti , G Cambridge

Brief summary: Over the last decades changing incidences for autoimmune diseases have been observed. However, no data are available so far on long-term trends, incidence over the whole age spectrum (child, adults, geriatric patients), and incidence of co-occurrence of the different autoimmune diseases. The presented study provides an extensive population-based cohort study performed in the UK.The authors used electronic health care records of 22 million ...

ey0020.1-12 | Autoimmune Thyroid Disease | ESPEYB20

1.12. Impact of definitive surgery for Graves' disease on adolescent disease-specific quality of life and psychosocial functioning

S Halada , JA Baran , A Isaza , T Patel , L Sisko , K Kazahaya , NS Adzick , WR Katowitz , L Magee , AJ Bauer

Brief summary: Treatment of GravesÂ’ disease comprises anti-thyroid drugs, radioactive iodine ablation or total thyroidectomy (1,2). While definitive treatment of GravesÂ’ disease is widely used in adults, anti-thyroid drug treatment is often used in the pediatric age group over years (1,2). The presented prospective monocenter study provides detailed information on quality of life of adolescents undergoing total thyroidectomy.Two recent studies ...