ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

Previous issue | Volume 21 | ESPEYB21

Yearbook of Paediatric Endocrinology 2024

11. Obesity and Weight Regulation

Brain Development and Brain Function

ey0021.11-11 | Brain Development and Brain Function | ESPEYB21

11.11. Neurodevelopmental programming of adiposity: contributions to obesity risk

AA Skowronski , RL Leibel , CA LeDuc

Brief Summary: This review combined findings from human and rodent studies on the maternal factors that influence the neurodevelopmental programming of long-term adiposity. It highlights the roles of maternal nutritional status, metabolic hormones and epigenetic changes during gestation and the postnatal period on the programming of body weight in the offspring, and their impact on the development of hypothalamic, brain stem, and hedonic circuits within the central nervous sys...

ey0021.11-12 | Brain Development and Brain Function | ESPEYB21

11.12. Age-related ciliopathy: obesogenic shortening of melanocortin-4 receptor-bearing neuronal primary cilia

M Oya , Y Miyasaka , Y Nakamura , M Tanaka , T Suganami , T Mashimo , K Nakamura

Brief Summary: This study describes how the primary cilia of hypothalamic neurons bearing melanocortin-4 receptors (MC4R) progressively shorten with age, leading to reduced sensitivity to satiety signals, increased appetite, and obesity. This age-related ciliary shortening is exacerbated by chronic leptin-melanocortin signalling, but can be mitigated by dietary restriction or knockdown of ciliogenesis-associated kinase 1 (CILK1). These findings suggest potential therapeutic ap...

ey0021.11-13 | Brain Development and Brain Function | ESPEYB21

11.13. The insulin resistant brain: impact on whole-body metabolism and body fat distribution

M Heni

Brief Summary: This review describes progress of our understanding of insulin action in the brain, as well as the consequences of brain insulin resistance. Insulin resistance of the brain results in impaired modulation of peripheral metabolism, the maintenance of obesity and an unfavorable body fat distribution. Current evidence suggest that brain insulin resistance is a treatable condition, thereby improving systemic metabolism and brain functions including cognition.<p c...