ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.8-16 | New Hopes | ESPEYB20

8.16. Engineering the lymph node environment promotes antigen-specific efficacy in type 1 diabetes and islet transplantation

JM Gammon , ST Carey , V Saxena , HB Eppler , SJ Tsai , C Paluskievicz , Y Xiong , L Li , M Ackun-Farmmer , LH Tostanoski , EA Gosselin , AA Yanes , X Zeng , RS Oakes , JS Bromberg , CM Jewell

Brief summary: In this experimental study, immunomodulatory microparticles, consisting of encapsulating self-antigens with rapamycin, were injected into mouse lymph nodes to protect against type 1 diabetes (T1D) and islet graft rejection. Antigens and rapamycin were both required for maximal efficacy and they induced durable tolerance, accompanied by expansion of antigen-specific regulatory T cells (Treg) in both treated and untreated lymph nodes.Antigen...

ey0017.7-3 | Clinical Guidance | ESPEYB17

7.3. Pubertal timing and adult fracture risk in men: A population-based cohort study

L Vandenput , JM Kindblom , M Bygdell , M Nethander , C Ohlsson

To read the full abstract: PLoS Medicine vol. 16,12 e1002986. 2 Dec. 2019. doi: large scale population-based cohort study identifies a slightly higher risk for adult fracture in men who had later puberty. The pubertal period plays a key role...

ey0017.8-14 | New Concerns | ESPEYB17

8.14. Brain differences in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus in youth with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

MM Herting , A Azad , R Kim , JM Tyszka , ME Geffner , MS Kim

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105(4):1098-111. PMID: 31950148.Classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is characterized by impaired glucocorticoid, and often also mineralocorticoid, secretion and increased adrenal androgen production (1). Given the widespread expression of androgen and glucocorticoid receptors throughout the brain (...

ey0017.11-6 | Body Weight and Appetite/Energy Regulation | ESPEYB17

11.6. Leptin’s hunger-suppressing effects are mediated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis in rodents

RJ Perry , JM Resch , AM Douglass , JC Madara , A Rabin-Court , H Kucukdereli , C Wu , JD Song , BB Lowell , GI Shulman

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2019;116(27):13670–13679. doi: this paper, Perry et al. studied several animal models to disentangle the mechanism by which leptin suppresses hunger. In rats, the hyperphagia induced by a 48 h fast, or a hypoglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, or uncontrolled diabetes, was completely s...

ey0016.4-4 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB16

4.4. Phenotypic features and response to growth hormone treatment of patients with a molecular defect of the IGF-1 receptor

MJE Walenkamp , JML Robers , JM Wit , GRJ Zandwijken , HA van Duyvenvoorde , W Oostdijk , ACS Hokken-Koelega , SG Kant , M Losekoot

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019; 104(8): 3157–3171.The IGF receptor gene IGF1R is located at 15q26.3 locus and encodes for a tyrosine kinase receptor which mediates the IGF-I biological actions. The key role of IGF-IR in growth and development was proved in IGF1R null mice that had severely impaired prenatal growth and invariably died at birth ...

ey0015.3-13 | Thyroid stem cells | ESPEYB15

3.13 Pluripotent stem cell differentiation reveals distinct developmental pathways regulating lung- versus thyroid-lineage specification

M Serra , KD Alysandratos , F Hawkins , KB McCauley , A Jacob , J Choi , IS Caballero , M Vedaie , AA Kurmann , L Ikonomou , AN Hollenberg , JM Shannon , DN Kotton

To read the full abstract: Development 2017;144:3879-3893Regenerative medicine techniques are being widely investigated for organs without regenerative capacity, such as lung. Whether pluripotent stem cell derived thyroid organoids will be used in the future as a regenerative medicine approach to treat hypothyroidism is unclear. In the context of an easily available, very cheap and non-in...

ey0015.1-12 | Reviews | ESPEYB15

1.12 Growth hormone - past, present and future

MB Ranke , JM Wit

To read the full abstract: Nat Rev Endocrinol 2018;14:285-300This is an interesting review of the history of research in the field of GH-IGF1 and the clinical use of GH. It comprises a timeline starting in 1884 with the description of dwarfism (General Tom Thumb) and gigantism, and ending in 2015-16 describing the discovery of paternally inherited IGF2 mutations and PAPPA-2 mutations as causes f...

ey0015.5-9 | Life-long skeletal consequences of delayed puberty | ESPEYB15

5.9 Genetically Determined Later Puberty Impacts Lowered Bone Mineral Density in Childhood and Adulthood

DL Cousminer , JA Mitchell , A Chesi , SM Roy , HJ Kalkwarf , JM Lappe , V Gilsanz , SE Oberfield , JA Shepherd , A Kelly , SE McCormack , BF Voight , BS Zemel , SF Grant

To read the full abstract: J Bone Miner Res 2018;33:430-436Bone mass increases dramatically during puberty. The process of sexual maturation is therefore likely to impact lifelong bone health. Bone mineral density (BMD) tracks throughout life and later age at menarche is associated with increased osteoporosis risk in women, possibly because of combined effects of later menarche and lower peak bone ma...

ey0020.8-11 | New Mechanisms | ESPEYB20

8.11. Soluble RAGE prevents type 1 diabetes expanding functional regulatory T cells

SS Leung , DJ Borg , DA McCarthy , TE Boursalian , J Cracraft , A Zhuang , AK Fotheringham , N Flemming , T Watkins , JJ Miles , PH Groop , JL Scheijen , CG Schalkwijk , RJ Steptoe , KJ Radford , M Knip , JM Forbes

Brief summary: using a murine model of diabetes and ex vivo experiments in human T-cell cultures, this study showed that short-term administration of an antagonist to the receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) modulates functional T regulatory cells (Treg) expansion and thus prevents diabetes.This study provides further support for a role of the advanced glycation end-product (AGEs)-AGE receptor (RAGE) pathways in the pathogenesis ...

ey0018.11-3 | New hope: Increased diagnostic yield for disease causing MC4R variants and pharmacological treatment options | ESPEYB18

11.3. Human MC4R variants affect endocytosis, trafficking and dimerization revealing multiple cellular mechanisms involved in weight regulation

B Brouwers , EM de Oliveira , M Marti-Solano , FBF Monteiro , SA Laurin , JM Keogh , E Henning , R Bounds , CA Daly , S Houston , V Ayinampudi , N Wasiluk , D Clarke , B Plouffe , M Bouvier , MM Babu , IS Farooqi , J Mokrosiński

J Cell Rep. 2021 Mar 23;34(12):108862. 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108862. study demonstrates that MC4R variants found in humans affect receptor endocytosis, trafficking and dimerization and thus reveal multiple cellular mechanisms involved in weight regulation. The findings contributes to our und...