ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.6-5 | Basic and Genetic Research of DSD | ESPEYB19

6.5. Broad-spectrum XX and XY gonadal dysgenesis in patients with a homozygous L193S variant in PPP2R3C

D Cicek , N Warr , G Yesil , Eker H Kocak , F Bas , S Poyrazoglu , F Darendeliler , G Direk , N Hatipoglu , M Eltan , Abali Z Yavas , Tosun B Gurpinar , SB Kaygusuz , Menevse T Seven , D Helvacioglu , S Turan , A Bereket , R Reeves , M Simon , M Mackenzie , L Teboul , A Greenfield , T Guran

Eur J Endocrinol. 2021 Dec 1;186(1):65-72. PMID: 34714774, doi: 10.1530/EJE-21-0910.Brief Summary: This brief report describes a novel gene, PPP2R3C, in the pathogenesis of complete and partial XY and XX gonadal dysgenesis (GD).GD is a very rare condition with an estimated prevalence of 1–9 cases per 100,000 live-births. GD can be classified as either complete...

ey0017.6-8 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Genetics | ESPEYB17

6.8. Pathogenic variants in the DEAH-box RNA helicase DHX37 are a frequent cause of 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis and 46,XY testicular regression syndrome

K McElreavey , A Jorgensen , C Eozenou , T Merel , J Bignon-Topalovic , DS Tan , D Houzelstein , F Buonocore , N Warr , RGG Kay , M Peycelon , JP Siffroi , I Mazen , JC Achermann , Y Shcherbak , J Leger , A Sallai , JC Carel , L Martinerie , R Le Ru , GS Conway , B Mignot , L Van Maldergem , R Bertalan , E Globa , R Brauner , R Jauch , S Nef , A Greenfield , A Bashamboo

To read the full abstract: Genet Med. 2020, Jan; 22: 150-9. doi: parallel sequencing of 145 46,XY DSD patients revealed 13 individuals with heterozygous missense pathogenic variants in the RNA helicase DHX37, explaining 11% of cases of 46,XY gonadal d...

ey0017.6-3 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: A DSDnet Pape | ESPEYB17

6.3. Peptide hormone analysis in diagnosis and treatment of differences of sex development: Joint position paper of EU COST action ‘DSDnet’ and european reference network on rare endocrine conditions

TH Johannsen , AM Andersson , SF Ahmed , YB de Rijke , RF Greaves , MF Hartmann , O Hiort , PM Holterhus , NP Krone , A Kulle , ML Ljubicic , G Mastorakos , J McNeilly , AM Pereira , A Saba , SA Wudy , KM Main , A Juul

To read the full abstract: Eur J Endocrinol. 2020, Jun; 182: P1–p15; doi: and monitoring of therapies for DSD patients require clinical, biochemical and genetic assessments. Biochemical analyses comprise the measurements of peptide and steroid hormones. This positi...

ey0016.6-12 | DSD Reviews | ESPEYB16

6.12. New technologies to uncover the molecular basis of disorders of sex development

H Barseghyan , EC Delot , E Vilain

Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2018 Jun 15;468:60–69.doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2018.04.003. PubMed PMID: 29655603Since the description of the first DSD gene, SRY, in the early 1990s (OMIM 480000), genetics has become a major player in research and clinical workup of DSD. The advances of today’s technologies in genetics and the limitations are summarized in this r...

ey0019.6-6 | Basic and Genetic Research of DSD | ESPEYB19

6.6. Expanding DSD phenotypes associated with variants in the DEAH-box RNA helicase DHX37

H Zidoune , L Martinerie , DS Tan , M Askari , D Rezgoune , A Ladjouze , A Boukri , Y Benelmadani , K Sifi , N Abadi , D Satta , M Rastari , M Seresht-Ahmadi , J Bignon-Topalovic , I Mazen , J Leger , D Simon , R Brauner , M Totonchi , R Jauch , A Bashamboo , K McElreavey

Sex Dev. 2021;15(4):244-252. PMID: 34293745, doi: 10.1159/000515924.Brief Summary: This genetic study provides data of a large cohort of 140 patients with DSD who were screened for DHX37 variants.DHX37 emerges as a frequent cause of nonsyndromic 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis, and 46,XY testicular regression syndrome. Since the first description of the gene (1), <...

ey0017.6-2 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Reviews | ESPEYB17

6.2. A clinical algorithm to diagnose differences of sex development

NY Leon , AP Reyes , VR Harley

To read the full abstract: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019, Jul; 7: 560–74. doi: review provides a step-by-step approach for establishing the diagnosis in a newborn child with ambiguous genitalia. It compiles all recommended investigations in an excellent algorithm that comprises all established and emerging diagnostic tools, and put...

ey0020.9-9 | Genetic Obesity and Genetic Risk Score | ESPEYB20

9.9. Genetic risk score enhances the risk prediction of severe obesity in adult survivors of childhood cancer

Y Sapkota , W Qiu , SB Dixon , CL Wilson , Z Wang , J Zhang , W Leisenring , EJ Chow , S Bhatia , GT Armstrong , LL Robison , MM Hudson , A Delaney , Y Yasui

Brief summary: This study evaluated the ability of genetic risk scores to predict severe obesity in adult survivors of childhood cancer. Data from 2548 survivors of European ancestry from the St. Jude Lifetime Cohort Study was analyzed and findings were validated in 6064 survivors from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study. Survivors with higher genetic risk scores had significantly higher odds of severe obesity. Adding genetic risk scores to prediction models that included canc...

ey0018.11-4 | New hope: Increased diagnostic yield for disease causing MC4R variants and pharmacological treatment options | ESPEYB18

11.4. Loss-of-function mutations in the melanocortin 4 receptor in a UK birth cohort

KH Wade , BYH Lam , A Melvin , W Pan , LJ Corbin , DA Hughes , K Rainbow , JH Chen , K Duckett , X Liu , J Mokrosiński , A Morseburg , S Neaves , A Williamson , C Zhang , IS Farooqi , GSH Yeo , NJ Timpson , S O'Rahilly

Nat Med, 2021 Jun;27(6):1088–1096. 10.1038/s41591-021-01349-y. paper reports the high prevalence of MC4R loss-of-function (LoF) variants in a normal population and their large impact on longitudinally assessed anthropometric traits from birth to young adult life.Th...

ey0015.11-7 | New Developments in Monogenic Obesity | ESPEYB15

11.7 MC4R agonism promotes durable weight loss in patients with leptin receptor deficiency

K Clément , H Biebermann , IS Farooqi , L Van der Ploeg , B Wolters , C Poitou , L Puder , F Fiedorek , K Gottesdiener , G Kleinau , N Heyder , P Scheerer , U Blume-Peytavi , I Jahnke , S Sharma , J Mokrosinski , S Wiegand , A Müller , K Weiß , K Mai , J Spranger , A Grüters , O Blankenstein , H Krude , P Kühnen

To read the full abstract: Nat Med 2018, May;24(5):551-555[Comments on 1.1, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7] All four here presented articles have monogenic obesity as their theme. While patients with monogenic obesity are rare, these individuals bear a heavy disease burden. Furthermore, these...

ey0020.13-12 | Section | ESPEYB20

13.12. Embryo model completes gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis

G Amadei , CE Handford , C Qiu , J De Jonghe , H Greenfeld , M Tran , BK Martin , DY Chen , A Aguilera-Castrejon , JH Hanna , MB Elowitz , F Hollfelder , J Shendure , DM Glover , M Zernicka-Goetz

In Brief: The authors created mouse embryos in the laboratory from a combination of multiple stem cell lines. These embryos were developed ex vivo up to the equivalent of day 8.5 post-fertilization. Embryos developed within an extraembryonic yolk sac and were similar to whole natural embryos, with defined forebrain and midbrain regions, a beating heart-like structure, a neural tube and somites, a tail bud containing neuromesodermal progenitors, a gut tube, and also pr...