ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0018.9-10 | Reproductive outcomes in childhood cancer survivors | ESPEYB18

9.10. Health outcomes in offspring born to survivors of childhood cancers following assisted reproductive technologies.

G Sommerhauser , A Borgmann-Staudt , K Astrahantseff , K Baust , G Calaminus , R Dittrich , MJ Fernandez-Gonzalez , H Holling , CJ Konig , R Schilling , T Schuster , L Lotz , M Balcerek

J Cancer Surviv. 2021; 15: 259–272. treatment effects are possible reasons for reduced fertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes in childhood cancer survivors (CCS) (1). This observational study reports perinatal and health outcomes of offspring born to CCS using assisted reproductive technologies (ART). CCS were almost 2-fold more like...

ey0019.2-21 | Fetal and Neonatal Cortisol and Growth Hormone Physiology | ESPEYB19

2.21. Preterm birth and infant diurnal cortisol regulation

DQ Stoye , JP Boardman , C Osmond , G Sullivan , G Lamb , GS Black , NZ Homer , N Nelson , E Theodorsson , RM Reynolds , E Morelius

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2022 Mar 14:fetalneonatal-2021-323296. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2021-323296. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35288450.Brief Summary: This study tested the hypothesis that the diurnal cortisol area under the curve (mean daily level) and diurnal cortisol slope (decline across the day) differ between infants born preterm and those born at term. Extremely pr...

ey0019.13-8 | Diabetes | ESPEYB19

13.8. Improving access to diabetes care for children: an evaluation of the changing diabetes in children project in Kenya and Bangladesh

T Palmer , HM Jennings , G Shannon , F Salustri , G Grewal , W Chelagat , M Sarker , N Pelletier , H Haghparast-Bidgoli , J Skordis Pediatr Diabetes 2022; 23:19–32. doi: 10.1111/pedi.13277Brief Summary: The Changing Diabetes in Children (CDiC) program successfully established a stable supply of free insulin in implementing facilities for children living in Kenya and Bangladesh. However, the program also has limitations, including concerns over its sustainability.<...

ey0015.9-3 | Late consequences of tumour therapy: prevention and monitoring | ESPEYB15

9.3 Growth and pubertal patterns in young survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

S Elitzur , R Houri-Shtrecher , M Yackobovitz-Gavan , G Avrahami , S Barzilai , G Gilad , Y Lebenthal , M Phillip , B Stark , I Yaniv , S Shalitin

To read the full abstract: J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2017;30:869-877Several previous studies had focused on the early risk of metabolic syndrome or its components in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), while fewer data are available on pubertal development in these subjects. The merit of this study was to carefully investigate growth and pubertal development in a large ...

ey0015.10-11 | Comorbidities – short and long-term complications | ESPEYB15

10.11 Association between inflammatory markers and progression to kidney dysfunction: examining different assessment windows in patients with T1DM

NL Baker , KJ Hunt , DR Stevens , G Jarai , GD Rosen , RL Klein , G Virella , MF Lopes-Virella , DCCT/EDIC Research Group

To read the full abstract: Diabetes Care. 2018;41:128-135Renal damage and kidney failure are amongst the most detrimental co-morbidities of T1DM. In order to be able to prevent renal disease in the first place and treat progression of diabetic renal disease to kidney failure, the mechanisms that lead from high blood glucose levels to damage of the vascular bed of the glomerulus and to end stage renal...

ey0020.1-9 | Genetics | ESPEYB20

1.9. IGSF1 mutations are the most frequent genetic aetiology of thyrotropin deficiency

R Fourneaux , R Reynaud , G Mougel , S Castets , P Bretones , B Dauriat , T Edouard , G Raverot , A Barlier , T Brue , F Castinetti , A Saveanu

Brief summary: Congenital central hypothyroidism is caused by thyrotropin deficiency, either isolated or in combination with other pituitary deficiencies. So far, mutations in five genes have been identified in patients with isolated thyrotropin deficiency: thyroid stimulating hormone subunit β (TSHβ), thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor (TRHR), immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 (IGSF1), transducin-like protein 1 (TBLX1), and ...

ey0020.11-8 | Diabetes | ESPEYB20

11.8. Insulin thermostability in a real-world setting

S Pendsey , S James , TJ Garrett , AB Nord , S Pendsey , D Malmodin , G Karlsson , J Maniam , MA Atkinson , G Forsander , GD Ogle

Brief summary: The potency of insulin decreases with increasing temperatures. This pilot study compared the concentration and structure of commonly used types of insulin when exposed to high temperatures for prolonged periods of time.Manufacturers are required to provide information on how insulin vials and cartridges should be kept by the patient. These recommendations assume that a working fridge is available and that the medicine can be protected from...

ey0018.2-17 | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Neonatal and Long-term Consequences | ESPEYB18

2.17. Altered pancreas remodeling following glucose intolerance in pregnancy in mice

SK Szlapinski , AA Botros , S Donegan , RT King , G Retta , BJ Strutt , DJ Hill

J Endocrinol. 2020 May;245(2):315–326. doi: 10.1530/JOE-20-0012. PMID: 32171178.As it is not possible to study the histology of the pancreas post-partum in humans, this study used a mouse model of mild glucose intolerance to assess the changes in pancreatic islets after post-partum and assess the impact of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Mice with glucose intolerance during pregnancy continue...

ey0018.8-11 | New Hope | ESPEYB18

8.11. New Horizons: Novel adrenal regenerative therapies

SR Bornstein , M Malyukov , C Heller , CG Ziegler , G Ruiz-Babot , A Schedl , B Ludwig , C Steenblock

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105(9): 3103–3107. this narrative review, the authors discuss the potential role of novel regenerative therapies for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency, including gene therapy and cell replacement strategies. More specifically, the authors discuss the heterogeneity in adrenal function in patients with Addison...

ey0018.13-14 | Endocrinology | ESPEYB18

13.14. Effect on mortality of increasing the cutoff blood glucose concentration for initiating hypoglycaemia treatment in severely sick children aged 1 month to 5 years in Malawi (SugarFACT): a pragmatic, randomised controlled trial

T Baker , F Ngwalangwa , H Masanjala , Q Dube , J Langton , G Marrone , H Hildenwall

Lancet Glob Health 2020; 8: e1546–54. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30388-0– Hypoglycemia is associated with increased mortality in severely sick children. WHO recommends treatment of hypoglycemia for a blood glucose < 2.5 mmol/l– The authors hypothesized that increasing the threshold for the treatment of hypoglycemia from 2.5 to 5 mmol/l would reduce all cause in-hos...