ey0018.10-12 | (1) | ESPEYB18
S Ghetti
, N Kuppermann
, A Rewers
, SR Myers
, JE Schunk
, MJ Stoner
, A Garro
, KS Quayle
, KM Brown
, JL Trainor
, L Tzimenatos
, AD De Piero
, JK McManemy
, LE Nigrovic
, MY Kwok
, CS 3rd Perry
, CS Olsen
, TC Casper
, NS; Pediatric emergency care applied research network (PECARN) DKA FLUID study group Glaser
Diabetes Care. 2020;43(11):27682775. doi: 10.2337/dc20-0187.In this observational analysis of a patient cohort, a single diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) episode was associated with lower cognition and memory both in children with newly diagnosed T1D and in children with known T1D.Children (N=758) were 6-18 years old, taking part in a multisite randomized trial e...