ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0021.12-7 | Genetics of T2D in Children and Adolescents | ESPEYB21

12.7. Genetic architecture and biology of youth-onset type 2 diabetes

SH Kwak , S Srinivasan , L Chen , J Todd , JM Mercader , ET Jensen , J Divers , AK Mottl , C Pihoker , RG Gandica , LM Laffel , E Isganaitis , MW Haymond , LL Levitsky , TI Pollin , JC Florez , J Flannick

Brief Summary: Rare forms of diabetes (‘monogenic diabetes’) are caused by a single rare gene variant, while adult-onset T2D is influenced by thousands of common genetic variants. This study reveals that youth-onset T2D shares some genetic features with both monogenic and typical adult-onset T2D, marked by both common and rare genetic variantsComment: A significant challenge is understanding why the course of T2D in children and teenagers is mo...