ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0021.12-1 | Concerns in T2D | ESPEYB21

12.1. Major adverse events in youth-onset type 1 and type 2 diabetes: the SEARCH and TODAY studies

AK Mottl , JB Tryggestad , S Isom , RA Gubitosi-Klug , L Henkin , NH White , Jr D'Agostino R , KS Hughan , LM Dolan , KL Drews

Brief Summary: This longitudinal observational study combined data from the SEARCH (T1D: N=564; T2D: N=149) and TODAY studies (T2D: N=495). Complications were higher in those with childhood onset T2D compared to T1D, with T2D showing 2.5 to 4 times higher rates of microvascular, macrovascular events despite similar diabetes duration. Risk factors for complications differed between T2D and T1D, with mean arterial pressure being a common predictor for both.<p class="abstext"...

ey0015.10-19 | Prevention | ESPEYB15

10.19 Infant Feeding and Risk of T1DM in Two Large Scandinavian Birth Cohorts

NA Lund-Blix , S Dydensborg Sander , K Størdal , AM Nybo Andersen , KS Rønningen , G Joner , T Skrivarhaug , PR Njølstad , S Husby , LC Stene

To read the full abstract: Diabetes Care. 2017;40:920-927Breast feeding has been identified as one albeit weak protective factor protecting from the development of for example obesity, autoimmune disease and in particular T1DM. The mechanisms of this preventive effect are not known. One explanation might still be a confounding effect of social status, overall healthy lifestyles in the families in who...