ey0015.11-18 | Prebiotics reduce fat mass | ESPEYB15
AC Nicolucci , MP Hume , I Martínez , S Mayengbam , J Walter , RA Reimer
ey0015.2-20 | Placental miRNAs dysregulation in maternal obesity may be involved in mediating growth-promoting effects in offspring of obese mothers | ESPEYB15
G Carreras-Badosa , A Bonmatí , FJ Ortega , JM Mercader , M Guindo-Martínez , D Torrents , A Prats-Puig , JM Martinez-Calcerrada , F de Zegher , L Ibáñez , JM Fernandez-Real , A Lopez-Bermejo , J Bassols
ey0015.9-11 | Biologic agents in chronic inflammatory diseases: lights and shadows | ESPEYB15
A Assa , M Amitai , ML Greer , DA Castro , RC Kuint , M Martínez-León , I Herman-Sucharska , E Coppenrath , S Anupindi , A Towbin , D Moote , O Konen , LT Pratt , A Griffiths , D Turner , ImageKids Study Group
ey0015.2-1 | A novel disorder of hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia and polycystic kidneys | ESPEYB15
OR Cabezas , SE Flanagan , H Stanescu , E García-Martínez , R Caswell , H Lango-Allen , M Antón-Gamero , J Argente , AM Bussell , A Brandli , C Cheshire , E Crowne , S Dumitriu , R Drynda , JP Hamilton-Shield , W Hayes , A Hofherr , D Iancu , N Issler , C Jefferies , P Jones , M Johnson , A Kesselheim , E Klootwijk , M Koettgen , W Lewis , JM Martos , M Mozere , J Norman , V Patel , A Parrish , C Pérez-Cerdá , J Pozo , SA Rahman , N Sebire , M Tekman , PD Turnpenny , WV Hoff , DHHM Viering , MN Weedon , P Wilson , L Guay-Woodford , R Kleta , K Hussain , S Ellard , D Bockenhauer