ey0015.14-17 | Who could have predicted it? | ESPEYB15
D Athauda
, K Maclagan
, SS Skene
, M Bajwa-Joseph
, D Letchford
, K Chowdhury
, S Hibbert
, N Budnik
, L Zampedri
, J Dickson
, Y Li
, I Aviles-Olmos
, TT Warner
, P Limousin
, AJ Lees
, NH Greig
, S Tebbs
, T Foltynie
To read the full abstract: Lancet 2017;390:1664-1675Whoever could have imagined that a compound discovered as being secreted by enteroendocrine cells in the gut could have a role in treating Parkinson’s disease? GLP-1 does indeed have diverse actions on several peripheral organs (including tongue, stomach, adipose tissues, muscle, pancreas and liver) and on the brainstem to regulate...