ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0021.14-4 | Basic Biology and Molecular Mechanisms | ESPEYB21

14.4. Fetal manipulation of maternal metabolism is a critical function of the imprinted Igf2 gene

J Lopez-Tello , HEJ Yong , I Sandovici , GKC Dowsett , ER Christoforou , E Salazar-Petres , R Boyland , T Napso , GSH Yeo , BYH Lam , M Constancia , AN. Sferruzzi-Perri

Brief Summary:This study in mice shows that insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), encoded by an imprinted gene and expressed by placental endocrine cells, is essential for the adaptive changes in maternal glucose and lipid metabolism during pregnancy to promote fetal growth. Failure of this adaptive program during pregnancy also resulted in metabolic dysfunction of offspring mice later in their life.IGF2 has been longer known to be involved in the regulat...