ey0015.2-18 | Dietary composition, age, and sex determine the central inflammatory response associated with the long-term outcomes of excess weight gain | ESPEYB15
P Argente-Arizón , F Díaz , P Ros , V Barrios , M Tena-Sempere , LM García-Segura , J Argente , JA Chowen
ey0019.4-9 | New Perspectives | ESPEYB19
L Sentchordi-Montane , S Benito-Sanz , M Aza-Carmona , F Diaz-Gonzalez , S Modamio-Hoybjor , la Torre C De , J Nevado , P Ruiz-Ocana , C Bezanilla-Lopez , P Prieto , P Bahillo-Curieses , A Carcavilla , I Mulero-Collantes , AC Barreda-Bonis , J Cruz-Rojo , J Ramirez-Fernandez , de la Vega JA Bermudez , AM Travess , J Gonzalez de Buitrago Amigo , A Del Pozo , E Vallespin , M Solis , C Goetz , A Campos-Barros , F Santos-Simarro , I Gonzalez-Casado , P Ros-Perez , M Parron-Pajares , KE Heath