ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0021.15-14 | New Paradigms | ESPEYB21

15.14. Continuous glucose monitoring and intrapersonal variability in fasting glucose

S Shilo , A Keshet , H Rossman , A Godneva , Y Talmor-Barkan , Y Aviv , E. Segal

In Brief: The authors investigated intraperson variability in fasting glucose (FG) levels using continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices in 8315 nondiabetic adults aged 40–70 years. Day-to-day intraperson standard deviation of FG was 7.52 mg/dl (0.42 mol/l). This high variability has a large estimated impact on the classification of glycemic status (normal FG, prediabetes or diabetes). Of 5328 adults classified as having normal FG based on their Day 1 measurement, 40% ...