ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0021.10-2 | Clinical Trials – New Treatments | ESPEYB21

10.2. Teplizumab and beta-cell function in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes

EL Ramos , CM Dayan , L Chatenoud , Z Sumnik , KM Simmons , A Szypowska , al. et

Brief Summary: This double-blind, multicenter trial randomized 328 children and adolescents (8-17 years-old) diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) within the past 6 weeks to receive either teplizumab or placebo for two 12-day courses. Teplizumab increased stimulated C-peptide levels after 1.5 years, indicating better preservation of β-cell function.Teplizumab is a monoclonal antibody that binds to CD3 on the surface of T-cells, thereby reducing the i...