ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0021.12-7 | Genetics of T2D in Children and Adolescents | ESPEYB21

12.7. Genetic architecture and biology of youth-onset type 2 diabetes

SH Kwak , S Srinivasan , L Chen , J Todd , JM Mercader , ET Jensen , J Divers , AK Mottl , C Pihoker , RG Gandica , LM Laffel , E Isganaitis , MW Haymond , LL Levitsky , TI Pollin , JC Florez , J Flannick

Brief Summary: Rare forms of diabetes (‘monogenic diabetes’) are caused by a single rare gene variant, while adult-onset T2D is influenced by thousands of common genetic variants. This study reveals that youth-onset T2D shares some genetic features with both monogenic and typical adult-onset T2D, marked by both common and rare genetic variantsComment: A significant challenge is understanding why the course of T2D in children and teenagers is mo...

ey0021.12-16 | Lipid Metabolism | ESPEYB21

12.16. Evinacumab for pediatric patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

A Wiegman , S Greber-Platzer , S Ali , MD Reijman , EA Brinton , MJ Charng , S Srinivasan , C Baker-Smith , S Baum , JA Brothers , J Hartz , PM Moriarty , J Mendell , S Bihorel , P Banerjee , RT George , B Hirshberg , R Pordy

Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH) is a severe disorder caused by genetic mutations in LDLR (encoding the LDL receptor), APOB or PCSK9. LDL-C levels in HoFH are extremely elevated)>400 mg/dL(even in utero, leading to cardiovascular events, and disability or death during childhood and adolescence. Conventional medications have minimal efficacy, since LDL-C levels cannot be reduced through upregulation of hepatic LDL receptors.<p c...

ey0020.10-2 | New Data on the Epidemiology of T2D in Children | ESPEYB20

10.2. The Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic is associated with a substantial rise in frequency and severity of presentation of youth-onset type 2 diabetes

SN Magge , RM Wolf , L Pyle , EA Brown , VC Benavides , ME Bianco , LC Chao , A Cymbaluk , PG Balikcioglu , K Halpin , DS Hsia , L Huerta-Saenz , JJ Kim , S Kumar , LE Levitt--Katz , BE Marks , A Neyman , KL O'Sullivan , SS Pillai , AS Shah , AH Shoemaker , JAW Siddiqui , S Srinivasan , IH Thomas , JB Tryggestad , MF Yousif , MM Kelsey , COVID-19 and Type 2 Diabetes Consortium Kelsey

Brief summary: A significant increase in the incidence T2D occurred in the USA during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly among children with obesity and males.Comment: This is the first multicenter report on the incidence of T2D during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA. The average number of new diagnoses per year in the two pre-pandemic years was 825, compared with 1463 during the first pandemic year. This increase of 77% is significan...