ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.8-16 | New Hopes | ESPEYB20

8.16. Engineering the lymph node environment promotes antigen-specific efficacy in type 1 diabetes and islet transplantation

JM Gammon , ST Carey , V Saxena , HB Eppler , SJ Tsai , C Paluskievicz , Y Xiong , L Li , M Ackun-Farmmer , LH Tostanoski , EA Gosselin , AA Yanes , X Zeng , RS Oakes , JS Bromberg , CM Jewell

Brief summary: In this experimental study, immunomodulatory microparticles, consisting of encapsulating self-antigens with rapamycin, were injected into mouse lymph nodes to protect against type 1 diabetes (T1D) and islet graft rejection. Antigens and rapamycin were both required for maximal efficacy and they induced durable tolerance, accompanied by expansion of antigen-specific regulatory T cells (Treg) in both treated and untreated lymph nodes.Antigen...

ey0020.8-2 | Clinical Trials – New Treatments | ESPEYB20

8.2. Closed-loop therapy and preservation of C-peptide secretion in type 1 diabetes

CK Boughton , JM Allen , J Ware , ME Wilinska , S Hartnell , A Thankamony , T Randell , A Ghatak , REJ Besser , D Elleri , N Trevelyan , FM Campbell , J Sibayan , P Calhoun , R Bailey , G Dunseath , R Hovorka , CLOuD Consortium

Brief summary: In this multicenter, open-label, parallel-group, randomized trial, 97 adolescents (aged 10–16.9 years) were randomized within 21 days after the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) to receive either hybrid closed-loop therapy or standard insulin therapy (control) for 24 months. Although closed-loop therapy was associated with better glycemic outcomes, there were no differences in C-peptide between the two groups.The Closed Loop from Ons...

ey0017.5-1 | Novel Treatments for Rare Skeletal Disorders | ESPEYB17

5.1. C-Type natriuretic peptide analogue therapy in children with achondroplasia

R Savarirayan , M Irving , CA Bacino , B Bostwick , J Charrow , V Cormier-Daire , KH Le Quan Sang , P Dickson , P Harmatz , J Phillips , N Owen , A Cherukuri , K Jayaram , GS Jeha , K Larimore , ML Chan , A Huntsman Labed , J Day , J Hoover-Fong

To read the full abstract: N Engl J Med. 2019 Jul 4;381(1):25–35.In brief: Inhibition of endochondral ossification in Achondroplasia leads to disproportionate short stature. In this phase 2 study, daily subcutaneous injection of vosoritide, a biologic analogue of C-type natriuretic peptide and a potent stimulator of endochondral ossification, results in sustained increase in t...

ey0019.5-13 | Translational highlights | ESPEYB19

5.13. C-type natriuretic peptide-induced PKA activation promotes endochondral bone formation in hypertrophic chondrocytes

K Hirota , T Hirashima , K Horikawa , A Yasoda , M Matsuda

Endocrinology 163, bqac005. (2022).Abstract: https://pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/35041746/In Brief: C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) is known to stimulate enchondral bone formation, but the distinct cellular pathways and cellular targets are unclear. This study used in vivo and in vitro biosensor systems to identify cGMP-induced activation of PKA as a major effect of CNP with growth promoting e...

ey0017.2-21 | Vitamin D Supplementation in Pregnancy and Fetal and Infant Growth | ESPEYB17

2.21. Cord blood Vitamin D status is associated with cord blood insulin and c-peptide in two cohorts of mother-newborn pairs

KM Switkowski , Jr. CA Camargo , P Perron , SH Rifas-Shiman , E Oken , MF Hivert

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Vol 104, Issue 9, September 2019, Pages 3785–3794. PMID: 31127822Maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy has been associated with markers of fetal growth and development. The circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], crosses the placenta, and the developing fetus relies on the mother for its vitamin D s...

ey0020.3-2 | Novel Treatments for Rare Skeletal Disorders | ESPEYB20

3.2. Phase 1 safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics results of a long-acting C-type natriuretic peptide prodrug, TransCon CNP

VM Breinholt , PH Mygind , ED Christoffersen , Y Zhang , S Ota , R Will Charlton , D Viuff

In Brief: This phase 1 study in healthy adults assessed the safety and feasibility of transcon-CNP, a novel prodrug that releases native C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP). The novel drug was well tolerated and CNP remained in systemic circulation for >7 days following a single dose.Commentary: Achondroplasia is caused by autosomal activating mutation in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 gene (FGFR3) resulting in constitutive receptor ac...

ey0020.9-10 | Obesity as a Brain Disease | ESPEYB20

9.10. Excess BMI in early adolescence adversely impacts maturating functional circuits supporting high-level cognition and their structural correlates

SJ Brooks , C Smith , C Stamoulis

Brief summary: This study analyzed cross-sectional data on almost 5,000 adolescents from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) cohort data (, including resting state functional MRI, structural MRI and neurocognitive task scores. Excess BMI in young adolescents was associated with profound aberrant topological alterations in maturating functional circuits, as well as with underdeveloped brain structures that may adversely impact cogni...

ey0019.10-7 | New paradigms | ESPEYB19

10.7. Circulating C-peptide levels in living children and young people and pancreatic beta cell loss in pancreas donors across type 1 diabetes disease duration

ALJ Carr , JRJ Inshaw , CS Flaxman , P Leete , RC Wyatt , LA Russell , M Palmer , D Prasolov , T Worthington , B Hull , LS Wicker , DB Dunger , RA Oram , NG Morgan , JA Todd , SJ Richardson , REJ Besser

Diabetes. 2022;71:1591-1596. Summary: This cross-sectional study compared trends in plasma C-peptide decline in 4,076 young people with type 1 diabetes (T1D), with trends in beta-cell loss in 235 pancreas donors. As expected, C-peptide declined over time, and this was particularly marked in children with T1D younger than 7 years. Of interest, p...

ey0020.6-7 | Clinical Trials – New Treatments | ESPEYB20

6.7. [11C]metomidate PET-CT versus adrenal vein sampling for diagnosing surgically curable primary aldosteronism: A prospective, within-patient trial

X Wu , R Senanayake , E Goodchild , WA Bashari , J Salsbury , CP Cabrera , G Argentesi , SM O'Toole , M Matson , B Koo , L Parvanta , N Hilliard , V Kosmoliaptsis , A Marker , DM Berney , W Tan , R Foo , CA Mein , E Wozniak , E Savage , A Sahdev , N Bird , K Laycock , I Boros , S Hader , V Warnes , D Gillett , A Dawnay , E Adeyeye , A Prete , AE Taylor , W Arlt , AN Bhuva , F Aigbirhio , C Manisty , A McIntosh , A McConnachie , JK Cruickshank , H Cheow , M Gurnell , WM Drake , MJ Brown

Brief summary: This study validates dexamethasone-suppressed [11C]metomidate positron emission tomography computed tomography (MTO) scanning as a CYP11B2-selective investigation for lateralizing PA.Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common single cause of hypertension, accounting for 5–14% of all cases and 20–25% of treatment-resistant hypertension (1, 2). Traditionally, patients with PA are divided equally into ...

ey0020.6-3 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB20

6.3. Metabotypes of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in infants determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in spot urine

C Kamrath , C Friedrich , MF Hartmann , SA Wudy

Brief summary: This study investigates metabotyping using steroid profiles, obtained with GC–MS, as a method to monitor the treatment in children with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia.The aim of treatment in classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is to provide adequate glucocorticoid substitution to prevent adrenal crises and to suppress the excess adrenal androgen production. However, in clinical practice this is often difficult, and ...