ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.10-13 | Dyslipidemia | ESPEYB20

10.13. Association between autism spectrum disorders and cardiometabolic diseases: a systematic review and meta-analysis

CS Dhanasekara , D Ancona , L Cortes , A Hu , AH Rimu , C Robohm-Leavitt , D Payne , SM Wakefield , AM Mastergeorge , CN Kahathuduwa

Brief summary: This meta-analysis examined the association of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with cardiometabolic diseases. The study included 276 173 individuals with autism and found a 69.4% higher relative risk of dyslipidemia, indicating higher risks of heart disease and stroke. The risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) was 247% higher in individuals with autism, and the risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) was 64% higher. Genetic factors, obesity, and autoimmune disea...

ey0017.10-5 | (1) | ESPEYB17

10.5. Association of cereal, gluten, and dietary fiber intake with islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes

L Hakola , ME Miettinen , E Syrjala , M Akerlund , M-H Takkinen , TE Korhonen , S Ahonen , J Ilonen , J Toppari , R Veijola , J Nevelainen , M Knip , SM Virtanen

To read the full abstract: JAMA Pediatr 2019; 173:953–960.Dietary proteins, such as gluten, have been suggested to serve as triggers of the autoimmune process that leads to type 1 diabetes (T1DM). These authors studied the potential associations of cereal, gluten, and dietary fiber intake with the development of islet autoimmunity (IA) and T1DM.The prospective birth cohort Finnish Type 1 Diabetes Prediction and Preven...

ey0015.6-2 | Gender dysphoria: New mechanisms | ESPEYB15

6.2 Structural connections in the brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation

SM Burke , AH Manzouri , I Savic

To read the full abstract: Sci Rep. 2017 Dec 20;7(1):17954[Comments on 6.1 and 6.2] Gender dysphoria (GD) is still an enigma when it comes to the biological background and pathophysiology. Many different theories have been put forward but none is yet prevailing due to a poor evidence base. Earlier anatomical studies searching for gend...

ey0015.3-6 | Maternal thyroid disease during pregnancy | ESPEYB15

3.6 Maternal thyroid function and child educational attainment: prospective cohort study

SM Nelson , C Haig , A Mc Connachie , N Sattar , SM Ring , GD Smith , DA Lawlor , RS Lindsay

To read the full abstract: BMJ 2018;360:k452The role of thyroid hormones during early gestation is well established by animal studies. In humans, previous studies have shown that maternal hypothyroxinemia was associated with either an early reduction in psychomotor scales (e.g. Bayley scale of infant development) or later in late infancy or adolescence. However, randomized controlled trials on...

ey0017.3-2 | Thyroid hormone action | ESPEYB17

3.2. Multiple mechanisms regulate H3 acetylation of enhancers in response to thyroid hormone

SM Praestholm , MS Siersbaek , R Nielsen , X Zhu , A Hollenberg , SY Cheng , L Grontved

To read the full abstract: PLoS Genet. 2020;16:e1008770.Præstholm et al. quantified by a genomics approach histone H3 acetylation – an epigenetic mark for DNase accessible chromatin – at thyroid hormone target gene enhancers to challenge the current model of genome binding action of T3 (type 1 action of thyroid hormone receptors (TR)) [1]. For this, they investigated genome-wide the liver of WT mice at hypothyroid and hyp...

ey0017.6-13 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Fertility | ESPEYB17

6.13. Establishing reproductive potential and advances in fertility preservation techniques for XY individuals with differences in sex development

R Islam , S Lane , SA Williams , CM Becker , GS Conway , SM Creighton

To read the full abstract: Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2019, Aug; 91: 237–44. doi: issues in individuals with a DSD has attracted increasing attention over the past decade and are summarized in this and other reviews. The various genetic defects that cause DSD and their underlying mechanism may impair fertility in a variety of ways. I...

ey0017.6-21 | Transgender Medicine: Fertility | ESPEYB17

6.21. Attitudes toward fertility preservation among transgender youth and their parents

RW Persky , SM Gruschow , N Sinaii , C Carlson , JP Ginsberg , NL Dowshen

To read the full abstract: J Adolesc Health. 2020, Apr 29; 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.027. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.027, PMID 32359942. preservation among transgender youth undergoing gender-affirming hormone treatment is a topic of increasing interest. This ...

ey0017.13-2 | Advocacy, History and Society | ESPEYB17

13.2. The age of paediatrics

SM Sawyer , R McNeil , KL Francis , JZ Matskarofski , GC Patton , ZA Bhutta , DO Esangbedo , JD Klein

To read the full abstract: Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2019; 3: 822–30. doi: 10.1016/S2352-4642(19)30266-4• The upper age limit of paediatric care varies markedly from country to country.• The authors surveyed 1372 paediatricians in 115 countries and found that, based on their personal experience, the upper age limit of pediatric services had increased over the last 20...

ey0016.1-7 | Updates on Kisspeptin | ESPEYB16

1.7. Genetic dissection of the different roles of hypothalamic kisspeptin neurons in regulating female reproduction

L Wang , C Vanacker , LL Burger , T Barnes , YM Shah , MG Myers , SM Moenter

To read the full abstract: Elife 2019;8:e43999.Two populations of Kisspeptin neurons are described in the hypothalamus. One population is located in the rostral part of the hypothalamus (the anteroventral periventricular nucleus, AVPV); the other is in the arcuate nucleus (ARC). The major difference between these populations is the opposing effects of 17b-estradiol (E2) on Kiss1...