ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0017.8-17 | Food for Thought | ESPEYB17

8.17. Plasma renin measurements are unrelated to mineralocorticoid replacement dose in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency

R Pofi , A Prete , V Thornton-Jones , J Bryce , SR Ali , Ahmed S Faisal , A Balsamo , F Baronio , A Cannuccia , A Guven , T Guran , F Darendeliler , C Higham , W Bonfig , L de Vries , TASS Bachega , MC Miranda , BB Mendonca , V Iotova , M Korbonits , NP Krone , R Krone , A Lenzi , W Arlt , RJ Ross , AM Isidori , JW Tomlinson

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105(1): dgz055. PMID: 31613957.Mineralocorticoid (MC) replacement therapy along with glucocorticoid (GC) replacement is crucial to avoid life-threating adrenal crises in Addison´s disease (AD) and in classical CAH (1–3). MC is administered with the aim of achieving plasma renin concentration (PRC) within the upper limit of ...

ey0015.15-5 | New treatments | ESPEYB15

15.5 Modified-Release and Conventional Glucocorticoids and Diurnal Androgen Excretion in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

CM Jones , A Mallappa , N Reisch , N Nikolaou , N Krone , BA Hughes , DM O'Neil , MJ Whitaker , JW Tomlinson , KH Storbeck , DP Merke , RJ Ross , W Arlt

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017;102:1797-1806We know that conventional glucocorticoid therapies fail to mimic the normal diurnal profile of cortisol secretion, which should show an early morning surge in circulating levels, followed by a gradual daytime reduction, and night-time suppression. The early morning surge in ACTH also drives adrenal androgen production, which is e...

ey0017.3-5 | Follow-up paper - Graves disease | ESPEYB17

3.5. Teprotumumab for the treatment of active thyroid eye disease

RS Douglas , GJ Kahaly , A Patel , S Sile , EHZ Thompson , R Perdok , JC Fleming , BT Fowler , C Marcocci , M Marino , A Antonelli , R Dailey , GJ Harris , A Eckstein , J Schiffman , R Tang , C Nelson , M Salvi , S Wester , JW Sherman , T Vescio , RJ Holt , TJ Smith

To read the full abstract: N Engl J Med. 2020;382:341–352.Teprotumumab, an IGF-1R monoclonal antibody, showed promising results for the treatment of Graves’ orbitopathy in a first phase 2 study reported in 2017 [1]. Here, this randomized double-masked, placebo controlled phase 3 multicenter study confirms those initial promising results in patients with moderate-to severe Graves’ eye disease: The primary outcome of proptosis reduc...

ey0015.3-15 | Post-Fukushima thyroid cancer risk | ESPEYB15

3.15 Japanese food data challenge the claimed link between Fukushima’s releases and recently observed thyroid cancer increase in Japan

G Steinhauser , M Chavez-Ortega , JW Vahlbruch

To read the full abstract: Sci Rep 2017;7:10722This paper elegantly describes how precise quantification of ingested radioactive iodine in the Japanese population was measured after the Fukushima catastrophe. The mainstay of such a detailed analysis by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was the sequential quantification and documentation of all sources of radioactive iodine in...

ey0017.11-9 | Body Weight Regulation and Insulin Sensitivity | ESPEYB17

11.9. Chronic mirabegron treatment increases human brown fat, HDL cholesterol, and insulin sensitivity

AE O’Mara , JW Johnson , JD Linderman , RJ Brychta , S McGehee , LA Fletcher , YA Fink , D Kapuria , TM Cassimatis , N Kelsey , C Cero , ZA Sater , F Piccinini , AS Baskin , BP Leitner , H Cai , CM Millo , W Dieckmann , M Walter , NB Javitt , Y Rotman , PJ Walter , M Ader , RN Bergman , P Herscovitch , KY Chen , AM Cypess

To read the full abstract: J Clin Invest. 2020;130(5):2209–2219. doi: clinical study addressed the chronic effects of the β3-adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron on BAT activity, blood parameters, and insulin sensitivity in a small cohort of healthy women (n =14). Participants were treated for 4 weeks orally with mirabegron ...

ey0017.10-13 | (1) | ESPEYB17

10.13. Six-month randomized, multicenter trial of closed-loop control in type 1 diabetes

SA Brown , BP Kovatchev , D Raghinaru , JW Lum , BA Buckingham , YC Kudva , LM Laffel , CJ Levy , JE Pinsker , RP Wadwa , E Dassau , FJ 3rd Doyle , SM Anderson , MM Church , V Dadlani , L Ekhlaspour , GP Forlenza , E Isganaitis , DW Lam , C Kollman , RW Beck , iDCL Trial Research Group.

To read the full abstract: N Engl J Med. 2019 Oct 31;381(18):1707–1717. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1907863. PMID: 31618560Despite advances in diabetes care, attaining good glycemic outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1DM) remains challenging and often is not achieved. For example, the targets set by the American Diabetes Association are met in only a minority of patients. It is hoped th...

ey0019.9-5 | Adrenal function after cancer treatment | ESPEYB19

9.5. Adrenocortical function in children with brain tumors and pediatric hematopoietic cell transplantation recipients

K Shah , JW Boyd , JR Broussard , K Ginn , R Rahmetulla , K Hurst , RK Goyal J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2022; 44: e469-e473. PMID: 34054040.Brief Summary: This monocentric, retrospective study investigated adrenal insufficiency (AI) prevalence in a large group of children with brain tumors (BT, 398 patients) and children treated with hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT, 268 patients). AI was diagnosed in 14 BT patients (27.4% of the 51 tested) and 14 HCT re...

ey0019.15-7 | New Hormones | ESPEYB19

15.7. A nutrient-specific gut hormone arbitrates between courtship and feeding

HH Lin , MC Kuang , I Hossain , Y Xuan , L Beebe , AK Shepherd , M Rolandi , JW Wang

Nature. 2022;602(7898):632-8. doi: 10.1038/s41586-022-04408-7.PubMed ID: 35140404Brief summary: This study in the fruit-fly, Drosophila melanogaster, identified a novel gut-derived, nutrient-specific neuropeptide hormone, ‘Diuretic hormone 31’ (Dh31), which triggers the insects to switch their behaviour from feeding to courtship and reproduction.Romantic di...

ey0017.7-10 | Basic Science | ESPEYB17

7.10. Microbial reconstitution reverses early female puberty induced by maternal high- fat diet during lactation

M Wang , Y Zhang , D Miller , NO Rehman , X Cheng , JY Yeo , B Joe , JW Hill

To read the full abstract: Endocrinology vol. 161,2 (2020): bqz041. doi: mouse study demonstrates the influence of maternal nutrition during lactation on offspring gut microbiota and its consequences on metabolism and puberty timing. Childhood obesity is a risk factor for the deve...

ey0015.14-2 | And why do women live longer? | ESPEYB15

14.2 Women live longer than men even during severe famines and epidemics

V Zarulli , JA Barthold Jones , A Oksuzyan , R Lindahl-Jacobsen , K Christensen , JW Vaupel

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2018;115:E832-E840Women live longer than men in nearly all modern populations. They can expect to live longer than men almost anywhere in the world. This pervasive inequality has intrigued researchers for decades, and many conclude that the gap has biological foundations, which are modulated by social and environmental conditions.<p class=...