ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.4-5 | New Therapeutic Options | ESPEYB16

4.5. The beneficial effect of combined GH/GnRHa therapy in increasing adult height outcome in children with ISS

L Lazar , S Levy , T Oron , J Meyerovitch , L de Vries , S Shalitin , A Tenenbaum , M Phillip , Y. Lebenthal

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104:3287-3295.The current definition of idiopathic short stature (ISS) refers to a heterogeneous group of short children, in the absence of any underlying detectable cause, including both normal variants of growth and pathological conditions. ISS subjects have been reported to reach an average final height of −1.5 SDS in boys...

ey0016.14-16 | (1) | ESPEYB16

14.16. Insights into imprinting from parent-of-origin phased methylomes and transcriptomes

F Zink , DN Magnusdottir , OT Magnusson , NJ Walker , TJ Morris , A Sigurdsson , GH Halldorsson , SA Gudjonsson , P Melsted , H Ingimundardottir , S Kristmundsdottir , KF Alexandersson , A Helgadottir , J Gudmundsson , T Rafnar , I Jonsdottir , H Holm , GI Eyjolfsson , O Sigurdardottir , I Olafsson , G Masson , DF Gudbjartsson , U Thorsteinsdottir , BV Halldorsson , SN Stacey , K Stefansson

To read the full abstract: Nat Genet 2018;50:1542–1552The authors analyse whole blood samples collected in participants of the Icelandic deCODE genetics studies in order to distinguish maternal genotype versus paternal genotype effects on gene expression and methylation in blood. The results provide a new map of imprinted methylation and gene expression patterns across the human gen...

ey0015.8-3 | New Mechanisms | ESPEYB15

8.3 Ultradian rhythmicity of plasma cortisol is necessary for normal emotional and cognitive responses in man

K Kalafatakis , GM Russell , CJ Harmer , MR Munafo , N Marchant , A Wilson , JC Brooks , C Durant , J Thakrar , P Murphy , NJ Thai , SL Lightman

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018; 115(17): E4091-E4100The hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is a critical neurohormonal network that regulates homeostasis and coordinates the stress response. Glucocorticoids (GCs) are critical for life and are key regulators of cognitive, metabolic and immunologic homeostasis (4). Clinical studies in healthy human subjects, usi...

ey0020.5-12 | Basic Research | ESPEYB20

5.12. Defective jagged-1 signaling affects GnRH development and contributes to congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

L Cotellessa , F Marelli , P Duminuco , M Adamo , GE Papadakis , L Bartoloni , N Sato , M Lang-Muritano , A Troendle , WS Dhillo , A Morelli , G Guarnieri , N Pitteloud , L Persani , M Bonomi , P Giacobini , V Vezzoli

Brief summary: Using a combination of expression studies in human embryos as well as functional studies in zebrafish and genetic sequencing of patient with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, this study identified a novel role for Jag1/Notch signaling in the development of GnRH neurons.GnRH neurons have a unique characteristic as they start life in the olfactory placode and then migrate into the hypothalamus during embryonic development, thanks to ...

ey0018.11-4 | New hope: Increased diagnostic yield for disease causing MC4R variants and pharmacological treatment options | ESPEYB18

11.4. Loss-of-function mutations in the melanocortin 4 receptor in a UK birth cohort

KH Wade , BYH Lam , A Melvin , W Pan , LJ Corbin , DA Hughes , K Rainbow , JH Chen , K Duckett , X Liu , J Mokrosiński , A Morseburg , S Neaves , A Williamson , C Zhang , IS Farooqi , GSH Yeo , NJ Timpson , S O'Rahilly

Nat Med, 2021 Jun;27(6):1088–1096. 10.1038/s41591-021-01349-y. paper reports the high prevalence of MC4R loss-of-function (LoF) variants in a normal population and their large impact on longitudinally assessed anthropometric traits from birth to young adult life.Th...

ey0018.11-7 | New insight: neurobiology and weight regulation | ESPEYB18

11.7. Genetic mapping of etiologic brain cell types for obesity

PN Timshel , JJ Thompson , TH Pers

eLife 2020;9:e55851. et al. describe a novel strategy for integrating single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data with GWAS data on BMI associated genetic variants, and thereby identify 26 exclusively neuronal cell types that are significantly enriched for BMI heritability.The authors developed two scRNA-seq computation...

ey0019.11-13 | Weight regulation and endocrine circuits (including interventions) | ESPEYB19

11.13. Weight gain and obesity rates in transgender and gender-diverse adults before and during hormone therapy

M Kyinn , K Banks , SY Leemaqz , E Sarkodie , D Goldstein , MS Irwig Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 Dec;45(12):2562–2569. doi: 10.1038/s41366-021-00935-x. Epub 2021 Aug 16. PMID: 34400797. Summary: This retrospective chart review of 470 ethnically diverse transgender and gender diverse in...

ey0017.8-12 | New Hope | ESPEYB17

8.12. HSD3B1 genotype identifies glucocorticoid responsiveness in severe asthma

J Zein , B Gaston , P Bazeley , MD DeBoer , RP Jr Igo , ER Bleecker , D Meyers , S Comhair , NV Marozkina , C Cotton , M Patel , M Alyamani , W Xu , WW Busse , WJ Calhoun , V Ortega , GA Hawkins , M Castro , KF Chung , JV Fahy , AM Fitzpatrick , E Israel , NN Jarjour , B Levy , DT Mauger , WC Moore , P Noel , SP Peters , WG Teague , SE Wenzel , SC Erzurum , N Sharifi

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020; 117(4): 2187–2193. PMID: 31932420.Since their discovery ~70 years ago, glucocorticoids (GC) have been widely used to elicit a systemic anti-inflammatory response, and currently play a major role in the treatment of asthma and other inflammatory diseases (1). However, unresponsiveness to GC in some individuals i...

ey0020.1-10 | Genetics | ESPEYB20

1.10. The effects of common genetic variation in 96 genes involved in thyroid hormone regulation on TSH and FT4 concentrations

RBTM Sterenborg , TE Galesloot , A Teumer , RT Netea-Maier , D Speed , ME Meima , WE Visser , JWA Smit , RP Peeters , M Medici

Brief summary: The so far largest GWAS study on thyroid function in 72’167 individuals testing 8 million genetic variants identified 92 common genetic variants associated with variation of TSH and FT4 in the reference range. These variants explained 21% of the variance in normal thyroid function, however many identified variants were localized in genes without obvious link to thyroid function (1). This GWAS paper was commented in the 2019 Yearbook. The same research team ...

ey0018.7-3 | Clinical Guidance | ESPEYB18

7.3. Phase 3 trial of a small-volume subcutaneous 6-month duration leuprolide acetate treatment for central precocious puberty

KO Klein , A Freire , MG Gryngarten , GB Kletter , M Benson , BS Miller , TS Dajani , EA Eugster , N Mauras

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Oct 1;105(10):e3660–71. 10.1210/clinem/dgaa479. brief: This phase 3 multi-centre, open-label, single-arm study explores the efficacy, pharmacokinetics and safety of 6-monthly 45-mg subcutaneous leuprolide acetate in 59 pati...