ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.11-4 | New findings in adipose tissue biology | ESPEYB19

11.4. Expression of the adipocyte progenitor markers MSCA1 and CD36 is associated with adipose tissue function in children

M Hanschkow , N Boulet , E Kempf , A Bouloumie , W Kiess , R Stein , A Korner , K Landgraf JCEM 2022; 107(2): e836–e851 Summary: This study investigated the association of the novel adipose-derived stem cell (ASC) markers Mesenchymal Stem cell Antigen 1 (MSCA1) and CD36 with adipose tissue function in samples collected from children...

ey0019.11-14 | Weight regulation and endocrine circuits (including interventions) | ESPEYB19

11.14. Energy balance in hypothalamic obesity in response to treatment with a once-weekly GLP-1 receptor agonist

A Shoemaker , H Silver , M Buchowski , J Slaughter , J Yanovski , C Elfers , C Roth , MJ Abuzzahab International Journal of Obesity 2022, Epub 2022 Jan 3. doi: 10.1038/s41366-021-01043-6. Summary: This double-blind, placebo-controlled trial assessed the efficacy of 36 weeks of GLP1RA treatment with exenatide e...

ey0017.7-10 | Basic Science | ESPEYB17

7.10. Microbial reconstitution reverses early female puberty induced by maternal high- fat diet during lactation

M Wang , Y Zhang , D Miller , NO Rehman , X Cheng , JY Yeo , B Joe , JW Hill

To read the full abstract: Endocrinology vol. 161,2 (2020): bqz041. doi: mouse study demonstrates the influence of maternal nutrition during lactation on offspring gut microbiota and its consequences on metabolism and puberty timing. Childhood obesity is a risk factor for the deve...

ey0017.11-5 | Body Weight and Appetite/Energy Regulation | ESPEYB17

11.5. Appetite control is improved by acute increases in energy turnover at different levels of energy balance

FA Hagele , F Busing , A Nas , M Hasler , MJ Muller , Blundell JE , A Bosy-Westphal

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2019;104(10):4481–91. PMID 31305927.In this randomized crossover study, 16 healthy adults were examined in a metabolic chamber during four different conditions of energy balance (ad libitum energy intake, zero energy balance, 25% caloric restriction, and 125% overfeeding) and at three levels of energy turnover (ET): Physi...

ey0016.4-13 | New Paradigms | ESPEYB16

4.13. Growth hormone-Insulin-like growth factor 1 axis hyperactivity on bone fibrous dysplasia in McCune-Albright Syndrome

D Tessaris , AM Boyce , M Zacharin , P Matarazzo , R Lala , L De Sanctis , MT Collins

To read the full abstract: Clin Endocrinol. 2018;89:56–64.McCune Albright syndrome (MAS) is a rare disorder caused by somatic gain-of-function mutations of the GNAS gene [1]. This gene encodes the α-subunit of the Gs protein and its mutations are responsible for persistent stimulation of adenylyl cyclase and dysregulated production of cyclic AMP leading to persistent o...

ey0020.2-4 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB20

2.4. Childhood growth hormone treatment and metabolic and cardiovascular risk in adults born small for gestational age after growth hormone cessation in the Netherlands: a 12-year follow-up study

WJ Goedegebuure , M van der Steen , CCJ Smeets , ACS Hokken-Koelega

Brief summary: In this longitudinal study, the authors investigated the metabolic and cardiovascular health profile of 167 adults born SGA and previously treated with rhGH during a period of 12 years after therapy discontinuation. No relevant differences were found in treated SGA subjects compared with untreated SGA adults or adults born appropriate for gestational age (AGA), thus suggesting long-term metabolic and cardiovascular safety of rhGH treatment in short SGA children....

ey0020.2-9 | Long-Acting Growth Hormone (LAGH) | ESPEYB20

2.9. Safety and efficacy of lonapegsomatropin in children with growth hormone deficiency: enliGHten trial 2-year results

AK Maniatis , SJ Casella , UM Nadgir , PL Hofman , P Saenger , ED Chertock , EM Aghajanova , M Korpal-Szczyrska , E Vlachopapadopoulou , O Malievskiy , T Chaychenko , M Cappa , W Song , M Mao , PH Mygind , AR Smith , SD Chessler , AS Komirenko , M Beckert , AD Shu , PS Thornton

Brief summary: This open-label extension trial enrolled all subjects completing the two previous phase 3 Lonapegsomatropin trials, heiGHt and fliGHt. The results confirm the efficacy of this LAGH formulation in improving height SDS, without major adverse events.Lonapegsomatropin is a long-acting GH consisting of 3 components: unmodified human GH (hGH), an inert glycol carrier, and a TransCon linker that transiently binds the other 2 components. The glyco...

ey0020.4-8 | Risk for Gonadal Malignancy and Gonadectomy in DSD | ESPEYB20

4.8. Consensus guide on prophylactic gonadectomy in different sex development

J Guerrero-Fernandez , P Gonzalez-Peramato , A Rodriguez Estevez , MJ Alcazar Villar , L Audi Parera , MC Azcona San Julian , A Carcavilla Urqui , LA Castano Gonzalez , JM Martos Tello , C Mora Palma , MF Moreno Macian , D Yeste Fernandez , M Nistal

Brief summary: This review article offers an update on knowledge on prophylactic gonadectomy in differences of sex development (DSDs) and evaluates the latest existing clinical evidence, which is generally limited, on risk of gonadal neoplasia potential in each group of DSDs.On average 15% of DSD patients with Y chromosome material predispose to gonadal neoplasms especially gonadal germ cell tumors (GGCTs); the overall risk ranges between 0.8% and 40% de...

ey0019.7-7 | Basic Science | ESPEYB19

7.7. Connecting nutritional deprivation and pubertal inhibition via GRK2-mediated repression of kisspeptin actions in GnRH neurons

C Perdices-Lopez , MS Avendano , A Barroso , F Gaytan , F Ruiz-Pino , MJ Vazquez , S Leon , YB Song , V Sobrino , V Heras , A Romero-Ruiz , J Roa , F Jr Mayor , C Murga , L Pinilla , UB Kaiser , M. Tena-Sempere

Metabolism. 2022 Apr;129:155141. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2022.155141. Epub 2022 Jan 22. PMID: 35074314. Summary: the authors used pharmacological and transgenic models to demonstrate the role of GRK2, G protein coupled-recept...

ey0015.3-5 | Follow-up paper from Yearbook 2012 | ESPEYB15

3.5 Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening II: effect of treating maternal suboptimal thyroid function on child cognition

C Hales , PN Taylor , S Channon , R Paradice , K McEwan , L Zhang , M Gyedu , A Bakhsh , O Okosieme , I Muller , MS Draman , JW Gregory , C Dayan , JH Lazarus , DA Rees , M Ludgate

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103:1583-1591The Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening (CATS) study started in 2002 and was the first randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of screening and treatment of mild hypothyroidism during pregnancy on child cognition1. A large number of women (n=21,846) were recruited at a median ...