ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0015.3-13 | Thyroid stem cells | ESPEYB15

3.13 Pluripotent stem cell differentiation reveals distinct developmental pathways regulating lung- versus thyroid-lineage specification

M Serra , KD Alysandratos , F Hawkins , KB McCauley , A Jacob , J Choi , IS Caballero , M Vedaie , AA Kurmann , L Ikonomou , AN Hollenberg , JM Shannon , DN Kotton

To read the full abstract: Development 2017;144:3879-3893Regenerative medicine techniques are being widely investigated for organs without regenerative capacity, such as lung. Whether pluripotent stem cell derived thyroid organoids will be used in the future as a regenerative medicine approach to treat hypothyroidism is unclear. In the context of an easily available, very cheap and non-in...

ey0015.5-14 | Of poodles and danes | ESPEYB15

5.14 Growth plate expression profiling: Large and small breed dogs provide new insights in endochondral bone formation

M Teunissen , FM Riemers , D van Leenen , MJA Groot Koerkamp , BP Meij , J Alblas , LC Penning , A Miranda-Bedate , MA Tryfonidou

To read the full abstract: J Orthop Res 2018;36:138-148Dogs are growth biologists’ best friends – due to the broad intra-species variance in body size, canine breeds offer a unique opportunity to study genetic differences mainly affecting linear growth. In their previous publication, the authors found drastic differences between miniature and large dog breeds in known key regulators of th...

ey0015.12-13 | New treatments | ESPEYB15

12.13 Effect of Rosuvastatin on Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Children with Heterozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia: The CHARON Study (Hypercholesterolemia in Children and Adolescents Taking Rosuvastatin Open Label)

M Braamskamp , G Langslet , BW McCrindle , D Cassiman , GA Francis , C Gagne , D Gaudet , KM Morrison , A Wiegman , T Turner , E Miller , DM Kusters , JS Raichlen , PD Martin , EA Stein , JJP Kastelein , BA Hutten

To read the full abstract: Circulation 2017;136:359-366The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Panel on integrated Guidelines for Cardiovascular Health and Risk Reduction in Children and Adolescents recommended a universal screening approach that would include one-time testing of all children aged 9-11 years for dyslipidemia. This recommendation has raised controversy regarding t...

ey0015.15-11 | Be careful what you feed them | ESPEYB15

15.11 A meat- or dairy-based complementary diet leads to distinct growth patterns in formula-fed infants: a randomized controlled trial

M Tang , AE Hendricks , NF Krebs

To read the full abstract: Am J Clin Nutr 2018;107:734-742The higher protein contents of cow’s milk based milk formulas (2.2 g/100 kcal) compared to breast milk (1.5 g/100 kcal) have been thought to underlie their faster growth, weight gain and childhood obesity promoting effects. Consequently, there is increasing interest in the benefits of low protein cow’s milk based formulas (1.6-1....

ey0020.5-3 | Clinical Guidance and Studies | ESPEYB20

5.3. Pre-pubertal accelerometer-assessed physical activity and timing of puberty in British boys and girls: the Millennium Cohort Study

TS Cheng , S Brage , EMF van Sluijs , KK Ong

Brief summary: This longitudinal UK cohort study examined the prospective associations between objectively measured physical activity, independently of BMI, and pubertal timing in boys and girls.This large study analyzed device-measured physical activity and its intensity in relation to puberty timing, using accelerometers worn on the right hip. A previous meta-analysis reported that female athletes had later age at menarche than non-athletes (1), but it...

ey0017.11-10 | Body Weight Regulation and Insulin Sensitivity | ESPEYB17

11.10. The [beta]3-adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron improves glucose homeostasis in obese humans

BS Finlin , H Memetimin , B Zhu , AL Confides , HJ Vekaria , RH El Khouli , ZR Johnson , PM Westgate , J Chen , AJ Morris , PG Sullivan , EE Dupont-Versteegden , PA Kern

To read the full abstract: J Clin Invest. 2020;130(5):2319–2331.This clinical study assessed the effect of the β3-adrenergic agonist mirabegron on glucose homeostasis in obese individuals.Chronic activation of β3-receptors in mice leads to the appearance of brown-like (e.g. ‘beige’) adipocytes in white adipose tissue, a process referred to as ...

ey0018.2-10 | Neonatal diabetes mellitus | ESPEYB18

2.10. NKX2-2 mutation causes congenital diabetes and infantile obesity with paradoxical glucose-induced ghrelin secretion.

A Auerbach , A Cohen , N Ofek Shlomai , A Weinberg-Shukron , S Gulsuner , MC King , R Hemi , E Levy-Lahad , A Abulibdeh , D Zangen

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Nov 1;105(11):dgaa563. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa563. PMID: 32818257.This manuscript describes an unusual case of a baby born with a homozygous Nkx2.2 mutation who developed severe neonatal diabetes mellitus and then on follow up went onto develop severe obesity characterized by marked hyperphagia.Nkx2.2 is an important transcription factor...

ey0018.2-15 | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Neonatal and Long-term Consequences | ESPEYB18

2.15. Gestational diabetes Is uniquely associated with altered early seeding of the infant gut microbiota

TK Soderborg , CM Carpenter , RC Janssen , TL Weir , CE Robertson , D Ir , BE Young , NF Krebs , TL Hernandez , LA Barbour , DN Frank , M Kroehl , JE Friedman

Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2020 Nov 27;11:603021. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.603021. PMID: 33329403.This and previous studies have shown that Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) alone and maternal obesity/overweight are associated with alterations in the newborn gut microbiota. In this study, there were significant alterations in the newborn gut microbiota species at 2 weeks of age.<p...

ey0018.3-2 | Thyroid hormone action | ESPEYB18

3.2. A coregulator shift, rather than the canonical switch, underlies thyroid hormone action in the liver

Y Shabtai , NK Nagaraj , K Batmanov , YW Cho , Y Guan , C Jiang , J Remsberg , D Forrest , MA Lazar

Genes Dev. 2021;35(5–6):367–378. doi: 10.1101/gad.345686.120.The longstanding concept of thyroid hormone (TH) action is summarized as the canonical switch model. This study adds important aspects of TH action to our current understanding, modifying this longstanding switch model to a “shift” model.According to the current concept, TH dependent gene...

ey0018.3-14 | Clinical studies | ESPEYB18

3.14. Identification of resistance to exogenous thyroxine in humans

N Lacamara , B Lecumberri , B Barquiel , A Escribano , I Gonzalez-Casado , C Alvarez-Escola , F Aleixandre-Blanquer , F Morales , R Alfayate , MC Bernal-Soriano , R Miralles , I Yildirim Simsir , AG Ozgen , J Bernal , P Berbel , JC Moreno

Thyroid. 2020;30:1732–1744. doi: 10.1089/thy.2019.0825.This study is of importance, revealing a relevant clinical problem in patients under long-term levothyroxine (LT4) substitution and challenging the concept that all hypothyroid patients can be well controlled with LT4 monotherapy.Lacámara et al. present a small but elegant clinical study describi...