ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0015.8-10 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB15

8.10 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Critical Illness-Related Corticosteroid Insufficiency (CIRCI) in Critically Ill Patients (Part I): Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) 2017

D Annane , SM Pastores , B Rochwerg , W Arlt , RA Balk , A Beishuizen , J Briegel , J Carcillo , M Christ-Crain , MS Cooper , PE Marik , G Umberto Meduri , KM Olsen , SC Rodgers , JA Russell , G Van den Berghe

To read the full abstract: Crit Care Med. 2017; 45(12): 2078-2088This guideline replaces/updates the 2008 recommendations regarding the diagnosis and management of critical illness-related corticosteroid insufficiency (CIRCI) in adult and pediatric patients. In CIRCI, inadequate glucocorticoid-mediated anti-inflammatory activity is observed in relation to the severity of the critical illne...

ey0019.9-11 | Fertility issues and reproductive outcomes in childhood cancer survivors | ESPEYB19

9.11. Assessment of the architecture and integrity of frozen-thawed testicular tissue from (pre)pubertal boys with cancer

Rives-Feraille A. , Liard A. , Bubenheim M. , Barbotin A.L. , Giscard d'Estaing S. , Mirallie S. , Ancelle A. , Roux C. , Brugnon F. , Greze V. , Daudin M. , Willson-Plat G. , Dubois R. , Sibert L. , Schneider P. , Rives N. Andrology. 2022; 10: 279–290. PMID: 34628730.Brief Summary: This multicentric prospective study performed an accurate evaluation of testicular tissue after frozen-thawing to investigate if this testicular tissue freezing (TTF) alters testicular architecture and integrity in pre-pubertal and pubertal boys with cancer. Promising histological outcomes were found. ...

ey0015.5-6 | Towards evidence-based vitamin D supplementation | ESPEYB15

5.6 Effect of Higher vs Standard Dosage of Vitamin D3 Supplementation on Bone Strength and Infection in Healthy Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial

J Rosendahl , S Valkama , E Holmlund-Suila , M Enlund-Cerullo , H Hauta-Alus , O Helve , T Hytinantti , E Levälahti , E Kajantie , H Viljakainen , O Mäkitie , S Andersson

To read the full abstract: JAMA Pediatr 2018;172(7):646-654Vitamin D deficiency in infants can lead to impaired bone mineralization and rickets. Since the 1920s, vitamin D has been used to prevent and treat rickets, but the optimal supplementation dose for bone health was unclear. Similarly, potential extra-skeletal benefits of vitamin D in childhood have been inadequately explored. Ac...

ey0018.3-13 | Clinical studies | ESPEYB18

3.13. Disease characteristics of MCT8 deficiency: an international, retrospective, multicentre cohort study

S Groeneweg , FS van Geest , A Abacı , A Alcantud , GP Ambegaonkar , CM Armour , P Bakhtiani , D Barca , ES Bertini , IM van Beynum , N Brunetti-Pierri , M Bugiani , M Cappa , G Cappuccio , B Castellotti , C Castiglioni , K Chatterjee , IFM de Coo , R Coutant , D Craiu , P Crock , C DeGoede , K Demir , A Dica , P Dimitri , A Dolcetta-Capuzzo , MHG Dremmen , R Dubey , A Enderli , J Fairchild , J Gallichan , B George , EF Gevers , A Hackenberg , Z Halasz , B Heinrich , T Huynh , A Kłosowska , MS van der Knaap , MM van der Knoop , D Konrad , DA Koolen , H Krude , A Lawson-Yuen , J Lebl , M Linder-Lucht , CF Lorea , CM Lourenco , RJ Lunsing , G Lyons , J Malikova , EE Mancilla , A McGowan , V Mericq , FM Lora , C Moran , KE Muller , I Oliver-Petit , L Paone , PG Paul , M Polak , F Porta , FO Poswar , C Reinauer , K Rozenkova , TS Menevse , P Simm , A Simon , Y Singh , M Spada , J van der Spek , MAM Stals , A Stoupa , GM Subramanian , D Tonduti , S Turan , CA den Uil , J Vanderniet , A van der Walt , JL Wemeau , J Wierzba , MY de Wit , NI Wolf , M Wurm , F Zibordi , A Zung , N Zwaveling-Soonawala , WE Visser

Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020;8:594–605. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30153-4.Groenenweg et al. present the so far largest retrospective multicentre cohort study on 151 patients with 73 different MCT8 (SLC16A2) mutations to compare and describe in detail the phenotypic spectrum and the disease course of MCT8 deficiency. The careful description of presenting cl...

ey0019.7-2 | Clinical Guidance | ESPEYB19

7.2. Genetic evaluation supports differential diagnosis in adolescent patients with delayed puberty

T Saengkaew , HR Patel , K Banerjee , G Butler , MT Dattani , M McGuigan , HL Storr , RH Willemsen , L Dunkel , SR Howard

Eur J Endocrinol. 2021 Oct 8;185(5):617-627. doi: 10.1530/EJE-21-0387. PMID: 34403359. Summary: This study investigates the role of Whole Exome Sequencing in the differential diagnosis of delayed puberty, evaluating a geno...

ey0016.4-4 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB16

4.4. Phenotypic features and response to growth hormone treatment of patients with a molecular defect of the IGF-1 receptor

MJE Walenkamp , JML Robers , JM Wit , GRJ Zandwijken , HA van Duyvenvoorde , W Oostdijk , ACS Hokken-Koelega , SG Kant , M Losekoot

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019; 104(8): 3157–3171.The IGF receptor gene IGF1R is located at 15q26.3 locus and encodes for a tyrosine kinase receptor which mediates the IGF-I biological actions. The key role of IGF-IR in growth and development was proved in IGF1R null mice that had severely impaired prenatal growth and invariably died at birth ...

ey0019.10-13 | Pathogenesis | ESPEYB19

10.13. Human islet T cells are highly reactive to preproinsulin in type 1 diabetes

AM Anderson , LG Landry , AA Alkanani , L Pyle , AC Powers , MA Atkinson , CE Mathews , BO Roep , AW Michels , M Nakayama

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Oct 12;118(41):e2107208118. Summary: This in vitro study explored the reactivity to preproinsulin of CD8 T cells obtained from pancreatic islets of individuals with and without type 1 diabetes (T1D). The main finding was that CD8 T cells from T1D donors were highly reactive to peptides throughout the entire prepro...

ey0020.6-9 | New Concerns | ESPEYB20

6.9. Leukocyte telomere length in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

C Raftopoulou , O Abawi , G Sommer , M Binou , G Paltoglou , CE Fluck , ELT van den Akker , E Charmandari

Brief summary: This prospective observational cohort study determined leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in 76 patients with genetically confirmed CAH (83% classic CAH). LTL was shorter in patients with classic vs nonclassic CAH, in overtreated than in optimally treated patients, and patients receiving prednisolone compared with hydrocortisone.Telomeres are tandem repeats of a noncoding hexameric nucleotide sequence (5′-TTAGGG-3′) located at the...

ey0019.1-11 | Clinical Papers | ESPEYB19

1.11. Duplications disrupt chromatin architecture and rewire GPR101-enhancer communication in X-linked acrogigantism

M Franke , AF Daly , L Palmeira , A Tirosh , A Stigliano , E Trifan , FR Faucz , D Abboud , P Petrossians , JJ Tena , E Vitali , AG Lania , JL Gomez-Skarmeta , A Beckers , CA Stratakis , G Trivellin

Am J Hum Genet. 2022;109(4):553-570. PMID: 35202564. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2022.02.002.Brief Summary: The authors present elegant data showing that X-LAG is a TADopathy of the endocrine system and that the rewiring of GPR101 -enhancer interactions most likely causes the upregulation of GPR101 expression in X-LAG-related pituitary tumors.The X-LAG micr...

ey0019.3-2 | Thyroid hormone action | ESPEYB19

3.2. Congenital hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism alters adrenal gene expression, development, and function

K Patyra , C Lof , H Jaeschke , H Undeutsch , HS Zheng , S Tyystjarvi , K Puławska , M Doroszko , M Chruściel , BM Loo , R Kurkijarvi , FP Zhang , CJ Huang , C Ohlsson , A Kero , M Poutanen , J Toppari , R Paschke , N Rahman , I Huhtaniemi , J Jaaskelainen , J Kero

Thyroid. 2022 Apr;32(4):459-471. doi: 10.1089/thy.2021.0535. PMID: 35044245Brief Summary: This study combines animal model and patient cohort data on the effect of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism at birth on adrenal gland development and function. The data revealed reciprocal effects of neonatal hyper- and hypothyroidism on adrenal development, activity of the adrenal steroidogenic pathway a...