ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0017.11-9 | Body Weight Regulation and Insulin Sensitivity | ESPEYB17

11.9. Chronic mirabegron treatment increases human brown fat, HDL cholesterol, and insulin sensitivity

AE O’Mara , JW Johnson , JD Linderman , RJ Brychta , S McGehee , LA Fletcher , YA Fink , D Kapuria , TM Cassimatis , N Kelsey , C Cero , ZA Sater , F Piccinini , AS Baskin , BP Leitner , H Cai , CM Millo , W Dieckmann , M Walter , NB Javitt , Y Rotman , PJ Walter , M Ader , RN Bergman , P Herscovitch , KY Chen , AM Cypess

To read the full abstract: J Clin Invest. 2020;130(5):2209–2219. doi: clinical study addressed the chronic effects of the β3-adrenergic receptor agonist mirabegron on BAT activity, blood parameters, and insulin sensitivity in a small cohort of healthy women (n =14). Participants were treated for 4 weeks orally with mirabegron ...

ey0018.3-13 | Clinical studies | ESPEYB18

3.13. Disease characteristics of MCT8 deficiency: an international, retrospective, multicentre cohort study

S Groeneweg , FS van Geest , A Abacı , A Alcantud , GP Ambegaonkar , CM Armour , P Bakhtiani , D Barca , ES Bertini , IM van Beynum , N Brunetti-Pierri , M Bugiani , M Cappa , G Cappuccio , B Castellotti , C Castiglioni , K Chatterjee , IFM de Coo , R Coutant , D Craiu , P Crock , C DeGoede , K Demir , A Dica , P Dimitri , A Dolcetta-Capuzzo , MHG Dremmen , R Dubey , A Enderli , J Fairchild , J Gallichan , B George , EF Gevers , A Hackenberg , Z Halasz , B Heinrich , T Huynh , A Kłosowska , MS van der Knaap , MM van der Knoop , D Konrad , DA Koolen , H Krude , A Lawson-Yuen , J Lebl , M Linder-Lucht , CF Lorea , CM Lourenco , RJ Lunsing , G Lyons , J Malikova , EE Mancilla , A McGowan , V Mericq , FM Lora , C Moran , KE Muller , I Oliver-Petit , L Paone , PG Paul , M Polak , F Porta , FO Poswar , C Reinauer , K Rozenkova , TS Menevse , P Simm , A Simon , Y Singh , M Spada , J van der Spek , MAM Stals , A Stoupa , GM Subramanian , D Tonduti , S Turan , CA den Uil , J Vanderniet , A van der Walt , JL Wemeau , J Wierzba , MY de Wit , NI Wolf , M Wurm , F Zibordi , A Zung , N Zwaveling-Soonawala , WE Visser

Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2020;8:594–605. doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(20)30153-4.Groenenweg et al. present the so far largest retrospective multicentre cohort study on 151 patients with 73 different MCT8 (SLC16A2) mutations to compare and describe in detail the phenotypic spectrum and the disease course of MCT8 deficiency. The careful description of presenting cl...

ey0016.7-3 | Basic Science | ESPEYB16

7.3. Metabolic regulation of female puberty via hypothalamic AMPK-kisspeptin signaling

J Roa , A Barroso , F Ruiz-Pino , MJ Vazquez , P Seoane-Collazo , N Martinez-Sanchez , D Garcia-Galiano , T Ilhan , R Pineda , S Leon , M Manfredi-Lozano , V Heras , M Poutanen , JM Castellano , F Gaytan , C Dieguez , L Pinilla , M Lopez , M Tena-Sempere

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Nov 6;115(45):E10758–E10767.The authors show for the first time that central AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), the major cellular energy sensor, interplays with Kiss1 to control puberty onset.AMPK is an indispensable cellular energy sensor (1). Beside its ability to directly sense ener...

ey0016.15-15 | (1) | ESPEYB16

15.15. Irisin mediates effects on bone and fat via [alpha]V integrin receptors

H Kim , CD Wrann , M Jedrychowski , S Vidoni , Y Kitase , K Nagano , C Zhou , J Chou , VA Parkman , SJ Novick , TS Strutzenberg , BD Pascal , PT Le , DJ Brooks , AM Roche , KK Gerber , L Mattheis , W Chen , H Tu , ML Bouxsein , PR Griffin , R Baron , CJ Rosen , LF Bonewald , BM Spiegelman

To read the full abstract: Cell. 2018 Dec 13;175(7):1756–1768.e17.Irisin, a cytokine secreted by muscle during exercise, effects bone resorption and the differentiation of preadipocytes into thermogenic brown fat cells by displacing tethers between the cell and extracellular matrix molecules. Physical activity can reverse age-dependent decline in skeletal muscle, preventing osteopor...

ey0017.6-11 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: Clinical Studies | ESPEYB17

6.11. Disorder of sex development with germ cell tumors: Which is uncovered first?

C Faure-Conter , D Orbach , B Fresneau , C Verite , J Bonneau , E Thebaud , M Poiree , S Thouvenin , C Pluchart , PY Mure , F Dijoud , Y Morel

To read the full abstract: Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2020, Apr; 67: e28169. doi: thought-provoking paper looked at the malignancy risk in DSD from a different perspective. In this study, patients with malignant germ cell tumors (GCT) were identified in registries of pediatric GCT treatment from 1995 to 2005 and were then cross-referenced with ...

ey0015.10-16 | Psychology and quality of life | ESPEYB15

10.16 Factors associated with diabetes-specific health-related quality of life in youth with T1DM: the global TEENs study

BJ Anderson , LM Laffel , C Domenger , T Danne , M Phillip , C Mazza , R Hanas , S Waldron , RW Beck , F Calvi-Gries , C Mathieu

To read the full abstract: Diabetes Care. 2017;40:1002-1009Quality of life (QOL) measures have increasingly been considered as end-points of medical interventions. Both general QOL and health- and disease-specific quality of life can be assessed using well defined and validated questionnaires. The TEENs study is an international, cross-sectional study of youth with T1DM. 5,887 participants were follo...

ey0018.7-10 | Basic Science | ESPEYB18

7.10. Central ceramide signaling mediates obesity-induced precocious Puberty

V Heras , JM Castellano , D Fernandois , I Velasco , E Rodriguez-Vazquez , J Roa , MJ Vazquez , F Ruiz-Pino , M Rubio , R Pineda , E Torres , MS Avendano , A Paredes , L Pinilla , D Belsham , C Dieguez , F Gaytan , N Casals , M Lopez , M Tena-Sempere

Cell Metab. 2020 Dec 1;32(6):951–966.e8. 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.10.001. PMID: 33080217. brief: This study reveals the critical role of hypothalamic ceramide synthesis in the induction of precocious puberty in obe...

ey0016.2-10 | Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Neonatal and Long-term Consequences | ESPEYB16

2.10. Association of gestational diabetes with maternal disorders of glucose metabolism and childhood adiposity

WL Jr Lowe , DM Scholtens , LP Lowe , A Kuang , M Nodzenski , O Talbot , PM Catalano , B Linder , WJ Brickman , P Clayton , C Deerochanawong , J Hamilton , JL Josefson , M Lashley , JM Lawrence , Y Lebenthal , R Ma , M Maresh , D McCance , WH Tam , DA Sacks , AR Dyer , BE Metzger , Follow-up Study Cooperative Research Group HAPO

JAMA. 2018 Sep 11;320(10):1005–1016. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.11628.The aims of this study were to assess whether in utero exposure to untreated gestational diabetes (using the IADPSG criteria) is associated with long-term risk of a disorder of glucose metabolism among mothers and greater adiposity among their children at 10 to 14 years post-partum.The Hyperglycem...

ey0015.11-7 | New Developments in Monogenic Obesity | ESPEYB15

11.7 MC4R agonism promotes durable weight loss in patients with leptin receptor deficiency

K Clément , H Biebermann , IS Farooqi , L Van der Ploeg , B Wolters , C Poitou , L Puder , F Fiedorek , K Gottesdiener , G Kleinau , N Heyder , P Scheerer , U Blume-Peytavi , I Jahnke , S Sharma , J Mokrosinski , S Wiegand , A Müller , K Weiß , K Mai , J Spranger , A Grüters , O Blankenstein , H Krude , P Kühnen

To read the full abstract: Nat Med 2018, May;24(5):551-555[Comments on 1.1, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7] All four here presented articles have monogenic obesity as their theme. While patients with monogenic obesity are rare, these individuals bear a heavy disease burden. Furthermore, these...

ey0018.1-1 | A Comprehensive Review of Hypopituitarism | ESPEYB18

1.1. Insights into non-classic and emerging causes of hypopituitarism

F Prodam , M Caputo , C Mele , P Marzullo , G Aimaretti

Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2021 Feb;17(2):114–129. doi: 10.1038/s41574-020-00437-2. PMID: 33247226.We highly recommend this comprehensive review by Prodam et al. to everyone as a starter to this chapter. How many of you knew that hypopituitarism in humans was first described just over 100 hundred years ago? The authors of this excellent review divide the causes of hypopituitarism...