ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.11-12 | Treatment of Severe Obesity: Next Steps | ESPEYB16

11.12. Patients with obesity caused by melanocortin-4 receptor mutations can be treated with a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist

EW Iepsen , J Zhang , HS Thomsen , EL Hansen , M Hollensted , S Madsbad , T Hansen , JJ Holst , JC Holm , SS Torekov

To read the full abstract: Cell Metabolism 2018; 28: 23–32Pathogenic mutations in the melanocortin-4 receptor gene (MC4R) are the most common cause of monogenic obesity. However, very limited treatment options exist. Therefore, these authors investigated a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist (GLP-1 RA) as a treatment option for these patients. The findings are of major signific...

ey0016.13-12 | Growth and Nutrition | ESPEYB16

13.12. Exposure to improved nutrition from conception to age 2 years and adult cardiometabolic disease risk: a modelling study

ND Ford , JR Behrman , JF Hoddinott , JA Maluccio , R Martorell , M Ramirez-Zea , AD Stein

Lancet Glob Health 2018;6: e875–84. DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30231-6• Perinatal chronic undernutrition plays a role in adult-onset cardiometabolic disease.• In this 40-year, longitudinal cohort in Guatemala, protein-energy nutritional supplementation during the first 2 years of life reduced the odds of diabetes but increased the risk of obesi...

ey0016.13-17 | Micronutrients | ESPEYB16

13.17. Improved micronutrient status and health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries following large-scale fortification: evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis

EC Keats , LM Neufeld , GS Garrett , MNN Mbuya , Z Bhutta

Am J Clin Nutr. 2019 Jun 1;109(6):1696–1708. DOI: 10.1093/ajcn/nqz023• This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the impact of large-scale food fortification (LSFF) on health and nutrition outcomes in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC).• The authors demonstrate that LSFF increases serum micronutrient concentrations including iodine...

ey0015.3-6 | Maternal thyroid disease during pregnancy | ESPEYB15

3.6 Maternal thyroid function and child educational attainment: prospective cohort study

SM Nelson , C Haig , A Mc Connachie , N Sattar , SM Ring , GD Smith , DA Lawlor , RS Lindsay

To read the full abstract: BMJ 2018;360:k452The role of thyroid hormones during early gestation is well established by animal studies. In humans, previous studies have shown that maternal hypothyroxinemia was associated with either an early reduction in psychomotor scales (e.g. Bayley scale of infant development) or later in late infancy or adolescence. However, randomized controlled trials on...

ey0015.5-5 | New genes and gene mutations | ESPEYB15

5.5 Aggrecan Mutations in Nonfamilial Short Stature and Short Stature Without Accelerated Skeletal Maturation

C Tatsi , A Gkourogianni , K Mohnike , D DeArment , S Witchel , AC Andrade , TC Markello , J Baron , O Nilsson , YH Jee

To read the full abstract: J Endocr Soc 2017;1:1006-1011Besides its structural role in the extracellular matrix, aggrecan orchestrates a plethora of key mechanisms in endochondral ossification, such as embryonic morphogen distribution, regular indian hedgehog (IHH) / Sox9 expression and columnar chondrocyte orientation. Thus, homozygous loss-of-function mutations in the ACAN gene, encoding...

ey0015.8-16 | New Concerns | ESPEYB15

8.16 Quantitative brain MRI in congenital adrenal hyperplasia: in vivo assessment of the cognitive and structural impact of steroid hormones

EA Webb , L Elliott , D Carlin , M Wilson , K Hall , J Netherton , J Reed , TG Barrett , V Salwani , JD Clayden , W Arlt , N Krone , AC Peet , AG Wood

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2018;103(4):1330-1341Glucocorticoids exert an inverted U-shaped influence on human cognition, particularly on acquiring and consolidating memory (25), whereas androgens have an overall beneficial effect on cognitive control, verbal memory, and spatial cognition in humans (26). Although previous studies in patients with CAH have con...

ey0020.1-4 | Thyroid Development | ESPEYB20

1.4. Transplantable human thyroid organoids generated from embryonic stem cells to rescue hypothyroidism

M Romitti , A Tourneur , B de Faria da Fonseca , G Doumont , P Gillotay , XH Liao , SE Eski , G Van Simaeys , L Chomette , H Lasolle , O Monestier , DF Kasprzyk , V Detours , SP Singh , S Goldman , S Refetoff , S Costagliola

Brief summary: In recent years, generation of human organoids of different tissues from human embryonic stem cells have been realized, e.g. intestine, liver, and lung among others. In contrast, so far all attempts to generate fully mature and functional human thyroid follicular cells from stem cells was not successful. Romitti et al. present for the first time successful generation of transplantable and functional human thyroid organoids derived from human embryonic s...

ey0020.5-2 | Clinical Guidance and Studies | ESPEYB20

5.2. Timing of puberty in relation to semen characteristics, testicular volume, and reproductive hormones: a cohort study

N Brix , A Gaml-Sorensen , A Ernst , LH Arendt , LL Harrits Lunddorf , G Toft , SS Tottenborg , KK Haervig , BB Hoyer , KS Hougaard , JPE Bonde , CH Ramlau-Hansen

Brief summary: This cohort study explored the potential link between self-reported age at puberty and markers of male fecundity.In this article, the authors explored pubertal timing as a determinant of male fecundity. This cohort study was based on the Danish National Birth Cohort which consisted of around 100 000 mother-child pairs recruited during 1996–2002. A little more than 1000 men aged 19 were evaluated for semen volume, sperm concentration, ...

ey0020.5-4 | Clinical Guidance and Studies | ESPEYB20

5.4. Reproductive markers of testicular function and size during puberty in boys with and without a history of cryptorchidism

W Rodprasert , JJ Koskenniemi , HE Virtanen , S Sadov , A Perheentupa , H Ollila , J Albrethsen , A-M Andersson , A Juul , NE Skakkebaek , KM Main , J Toppari

Brief summary: This prospective longitudinal study compared serum reproductive hormone levels and testicular volume around the onset of puberty between cryptorchid and healthy boys.Congenital cryptorchidism is the most common congenital anomaly among newborn boys, and still little is known about pubertal testicular function and serum reproductive hormone levels during puberty in this population.Pubertal follow-up with clinical exam...

ey0020.6-5 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB20

6.5. International recommendations for the diagnosis and management of patients with adrenoleukodystrophy: A consensus-based approach

M Engelen , WJC van Ballegoij , EJ Mallack , KP Van Haren , W Kohler , E Salsano , ASP van Trotsenburg , F Mochel , C Sevin , MO Regelmann , NA Tritos , A Halper , RH Lachmann , J Davison , GV Raymond , TC Lund , PJ Orchard , JS Kuehl , CA Lindemans , P Caruso , BR Turk , AB Moser , FM Vaz , S Ferdinandusse , S Kemp , A Fatemi , FS Eichler , IC Huffnagel

Brief summary: This paper describes consensus expert recommendations for the diagnosis and management of patients with Adrenoleukodystrophy.Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), a progressive metabolic disorder with variable and unpredictable clinical course, is caused by pathogenic variants in ABCD1 gene leading to deficient β-oxidation of saturated very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs) (1, 2). Patients are asymptomatic at birth but ...