ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.1-11 | Clinical Papers | ESPEYB19

1.11. Duplications disrupt chromatin architecture and rewire GPR101-enhancer communication in X-linked acrogigantism

M Franke , AF Daly , L Palmeira , A Tirosh , A Stigliano , E Trifan , FR Faucz , D Abboud , P Petrossians , JJ Tena , E Vitali , AG Lania , JL Gomez-Skarmeta , A Beckers , CA Stratakis , G Trivellin

Am J Hum Genet. 2022;109(4):553-570. PMID: 35202564. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2022.02.002.Brief Summary: The authors present elegant data showing that X-LAG is a TADopathy of the endocrine system and that the rewiring of GPR101 -enhancer interactions most likely causes the upregulation of GPR101 expression in X-LAG-related pituitary tumors.The X-LAG micr...

ey0019.6-6 | Basic and Genetic Research of DSD | ESPEYB19

6.6. Expanding DSD phenotypes associated with variants in the DEAH-box RNA helicase DHX37

H Zidoune , L Martinerie , DS Tan , M Askari , D Rezgoune , A Ladjouze , A Boukri , Y Benelmadani , K Sifi , N Abadi , D Satta , M Rastari , M Seresht-Ahmadi , J Bignon-Topalovic , I Mazen , J Leger , D Simon , R Brauner , M Totonchi , R Jauch , A Bashamboo , K McElreavey

Sex Dev. 2021;15(4):244-252. PMID: 34293745, doi: 10.1159/000515924.Brief Summary: This genetic study provides data of a large cohort of 140 patients with DSD who were screened for DHX37 variants.DHX37 emerges as a frequent cause of nonsyndromic 46,XY gonadal dysgenesis, and 46,XY testicular regression syndrome. Since the first description of the gene (1), <...

ey0019.7-9 | Basic Science | ESPEYB19

7.9. Sex-specific pubertal and metabolic regulation of Kiss1 neurons via Nhlh2

S Leon , R Talbi , EA McCarthy , K Ferrari , C Fergani , L Naule , JH Choi , RS Carroll , UB Kaiser , CF Aylwin , A Lomniczi , VM Navarro

Elife. 2021 Sep 8;10:e69765. doi: 10.7554/eLife.69765. PMID: 34494548. Summary: Using a database for arcuate nucleus transcripts, this study identifies Nhlhl2 as a key regulator of the Kiss1 gene in male mice.The timing of puberty onset is i...

ey0019.9-10 | Fertility issues and reproductive outcomes in childhood cancer survivors | ESPEYB19

9.10. In male Hodgkin lymphoma patients, impaired fertility may be improved by non-gonadotoxic therapy

Laddaga F.E. , Masciopinto P. , Nardelli C. , Vacca M.P. , Masciandaro P. , Arcuti E. , Cicinelli E. , Specchia G. , Musto P. , Gaudio F. British Journal of Haematology, 2022, 196, 110–115. PMID: 34462914.Brief Summary: This prospective single-centre study evaluated fertility in men diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) by sperm analysis, in order to identify clinical and biological characteristics correlated with fertility status. Only 28% of men showed normal sperm analysis.Previous studies in ...

ey0017.2-21 | Vitamin D Supplementation in Pregnancy and Fetal and Infant Growth | ESPEYB17

2.21. Cord blood Vitamin D status is associated with cord blood insulin and c-peptide in two cohorts of mother-newborn pairs

KM Switkowski , Jr. CA Camargo , P Perron , SH Rifas-Shiman , E Oken , MF Hivert

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. Vol 104, Issue 9, September 2019, Pages 3785–3794. PMID: 31127822Maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy has been associated with markers of fetal growth and development. The circulating form of vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], crosses the placenta, and the developing fetus relies on the mother for its vitamin D s...

ey0015.1-8 | New mouse model | ESPEYB15

1.8 Hypothalamic loss of Snord116 recapitulates the hyperphagia of Prader-Willi syndrome

J Polex-Wolf , BY Lam , R Larder , J Tadross , D Rimmington , F Bosch , VJ Cenzano , E Cenzano , MK Ma , K Rainbow , AP Coll , S O'Rahilly , GS Yeo

To read the full abstract: J Clin Invest 2018;128:960-969Mouse models for PWS are urgently needed to facilitate drug development for treatment of hyperphagia and obesity in PWS patients. Here, the authors set out to create a mouse model that better recapitulates human PWS; they chose Snord116 as the target. Snord116 comprises a cluster of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) on paternal chromosome 15q11.2. Deletio...

ey0015.3-5 | Follow-up paper from Yearbook 2012 | ESPEYB15

3.5 Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening II: effect of treating maternal suboptimal thyroid function on child cognition

C Hales , PN Taylor , S Channon , R Paradice , K McEwan , L Zhang , M Gyedu , A Bakhsh , O Okosieme , I Muller , MS Draman , JW Gregory , C Dayan , JH Lazarus , DA Rees , M Ludgate

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103:1583-1591The Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening (CATS) study started in 2002 and was the first randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of screening and treatment of mild hypothyroidism during pregnancy on child cognition1. A large number of women (n=21,846) were recruited at a median ...

ey0015.4-8 | Novel insights into Silver-Russell syndrome | ESPEYB15

4.8 Targeted next generation sequencing approach in patients referred for Silver-Russell syndrome testing increases the mutation detection rate and provides decisive information for clinical management

R Meyer , L Soellner , M Begemann , S Dicks , G Fekete , N Rahner , K Zerres , M Elbracht , T Eggermann

To read the full abstract: J Pediatr 2017; 187:206-12SRS is a clinically heterogeneous imprinting disorder. Although the understanding of its genetic basis has gradually advanced, about 40% of patients still have an unknown molecular defect. In subjects with unknown etiology, diagnosis is primarily clinical, based upon the Netchine-Harbison scoring system (NH-CSS) [31]. How...

ey0015.4-11 | New perspectives | ESPEYB15

4.11 Genetic analyses in small-for-gestational-age newborns

SE Stalman , N Solanky , M Ishida , C Alemán-Charlet , S Abu-Amero , M Alders , L Alvizi , W Baird , C Demetriou , P Henneman , C James , LC Knegt , LJ Leon , MMAM Mannens , AN Mul , NA Nibbering , E Peskett , FI Rezwan , C Ris-Stalpers , JAM van der Post , GA Kamp , FB Plötz , JM Wit , P Stanier , GE Moore , RC Hennekam

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018; 103:917-925SGA is often defined as a birth weight and/or length < −2 SDS for gestational age and gender [43]. A frequent cause of SGA is fetal growth restriction (FGR), often associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity and also implicated in a higher risk of cardio-metabolic disease in adulthood. ...

ey0020.1-8 | Genetics | ESPEYB20

1.8. The severity of congenital hypothyroidism with gland-in-situ predicts molecular yield by targeted NGS

L Levaillant , N Bouhours-Nouet , F Illouz , JA Jager , A Bachelot , P Barat , S Baron , C Bensignor , AB De La Perriere , YB Djellas , M Caillot , E Caldagues , MN Campas , M Caquard , A Cartault , J Cheignon , A Decrequy , B Delemer , K Dieckmann , A Donzeau , E Doye , M Fradin , M Gaudilliere , F Gatelais , M Gorce , I Hazart , N Houcinat , L Houdon , M Ister-Salome , L Jozwiak , P Jeannoel , F Labarthe , D Lacombe , AS Lambert , C Lefevre , B Leheup , C Leroy , B Maisonneuve , I Marchand , E Marquant , M Muszlak , L Pantalone , S Pochelu , C Quelin , C Radet , P Renoult-Pierre , R Reynaud , S Rouleau , C Teinturier , J Thevenon , C Turlotte , A Valle , M Vierge , C Villanueva , A Ziegler , X Dieu , N Bouzamondo , P Rodien , D Prunier-Mirebeau , R Coutant

Brief summary: Over the recent years several publications reported on next generation sequencing (NGS) in cohorts of patients with congenital hypothyroidism (1). Based on these data, diagnostic yield was higher in patients with gland-in-situ, than with thyroid dysgenesis. Further studies performed NGS only in cohorts of patients with gland-in-situ, excluding thyroid dysgenesis forms such as athyreosis, ectopy, or hypoplasia (2). The publication of Levaillant ...