ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.3-9 | Congenital Hypothyroidism | ESPEYB16

3.9. Early determinants of thyroid function outcomes in children with congenital hypothyroidism and a normally located thyroid gland: a regional Cohort Study

C Saba , S Guilmin-Crepon , D Zenaty , L Martinerie , A Paulsen , D Simon , C Storey , S Dos Santos , J Haignere , D Mohamed , JC Carel , J Leger

To read the full abstract: Thyroid. 2018;28:959–67.This observational single center study aimed to identify predictors of transient versus permanent congenital hypothyroidism in patients with thyroid gland in situ diagnosed at birth. Strengths of the study are the prospectively documented clinical, biochemical and radiological parameters, the high inclusion rate, a...

ey0018.1-12 | Clinical/Translational | ESPEYB18

1.12. Pituitary incidentalomas in paediatric population: Incidence and characteristics

M Shareef , MP Nasrallah , N AlArab , LA Atweh , C Zadeh , R Hourani

Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2021 Feb;94(2):269–276. doi: 10.1111/cen.14353. PMID: 33098093.Every clinician encounters sometimes tricky incidentalomas, i.e., non-symptom-related imaging findings that are a consequence of increased availability and resolution of radiologic imaging.This study evaluated pediatric pituitary incidentalomas (PIs). Pituitary microadenomas...

ey0018.2-2 | Neonatal hypoglycaemia | ESPEYB18

2.2. Accuracy of continuous glucose monitoring in preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

C Nava , A Modiano Hedenmalm , F Borys , L Hooft , M Bruschettini , K Jenniskens

BMJ Open. 2020 Dec 24;10(12):e045335. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045335. PMID: 33361084This BMJ review aimed to assess the accuracy of CGM devices to detect hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia in preterm infants. The key take home messages from the BMJ review were that the sensitivity for CGM devices to diagnose and detect hypoglycaemia in preterm infants was poor but the specificity was h...

ey0018.2-23 | Miscellaneous | ESPEYB18

2.23. Maternal organophosphate flame-retardant exposure alters offspring energy and glucose homeostasis in a sexually dimorphic manner in mice

SN Walley , EA Krumm , A Yasrebi , J Kwiecinski , V Wright , C Baker , TA Roepke

J Appl Toxicol. 2021 Apr;41(4):572–586. doi: 10.1002/jat.4066. PMID: 329695In this study, pregnant dams were exposed to different types of organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) at a sensitive development period (from gestation to lactation). The offspring were fed either a high or a low-fat diet for 17 weeks and then underwent a battery of metabolic assessments. OPFR exposure did not alte...

ey0018.6-10 | Patient Related Outcomes | ESPEYB18

6.10. Participant- and Clinician-Reported Long-Term Outcomes After Surgery in Individuals with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

Duranteau Lise , Rapp Marion , van de Grift Tim C , Hirschberg Angelica L

J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2021 Apr;34(2):168–175. doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2020.11.012. PMID: 33248216The authors report the long-term outcomes of 71 patients with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) in the multicentre cross-sectional dsd-LIFE study. Patients were included at 14 different sites in 6 countries in Europe. This is one of the largest long-term studies on CAIS and is of interest to clinicians who manage girls and women wi...

ey0018.7-5 | Clinical Guidance | ESPEYB18

7.5. Trends in the Incidence of central precocious puberty and normal variant puberty among children in denmark, 1998 to 2017

EV Brauner , AS Busch , C Eckert-Lind , T Koch , M Hickey , A Juul

JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(10):e2015665. 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.15665.. brief: This Danish population-based 20-year cohort study provides strong epidemiological data supporting substantial increases in central precocious pub...

ey0018.9-1 | Cancer treatment and the risk of second neoplasia | ESPEYB18

9.1. Risk factors of subsequent central nervous system tumors after childhood and adolescent cancers: findings from the french childhood cancer survivor study

NMY Journy , WS Zrafi , S Bolle , B Fresneau , C Alapetite , RS Allodji , D Berchery , N Haddy , I Kobayashi , M Labbe , H Pacquement , C Pluchart , B Schwartz , V Souchard , C Thomas-Teinturier , C Veres , G Vu-Bezin , I Diallo , F de Vathaire

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2021; 30: 133–141. retrospective study of 152 patients and 604 matched-controls within the FCCSS (French Childhood Cancer Survivor Study) cohort aimed to identify clinical and therapeutic factors associated with long-term risk of subsequent primary neoplasm (SPN) in the central nervous system (CNS), occurri...

ey0018.9-12 | Cancer treatment, growth and growth hormone therapy | ESPEYB18

9.12 Response to GH treatment after radiation therapy depends on location of irradiation

SR Rose , M Carlsson , A Grimberg , F Aydin , A Albanese , ACS Hokken-Koelega , C Camacho-Hubner

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105: e3730–41. retrospective analysis of the Pfizer International Growth Database (KIGS) included 1149 cancer survivors with growth hormone deficiency (GHD) who had received growth hormone therapy (GHT) for at least 5 years. Patients with craniopharyngioma had the best 5-year growth response ...

ey0018.10-11 | (1) | ESPEYB18

10.11. Use of factory-calibrated real-time continuous glucose monitoring improves time in target and HbA1c in a multiethnic cohort of adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes: the MILLENNIALS study

H Thabit , JN Prabhu , W Mubita , C Fullwood , S Azmi , A Urwin , I Doughty , L Leelarathna

Diabetes Care. 2020;43(10):2537–2543. doi: 10.2337/dc20-0736.This paper describes a randomized crossover trial in young people with T1D (16–24 years old) comparing two 8-week study periods: the factory-calibrated Dexcom G6 CGM system versus routine self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG). CGM improved time within glucose target and reduced HbA1c by 0.76%.The prim...

ey0018.12-7 | Type 2 Diabetes | ESPEYB18

12.7. The shared risk of diabetes between dog and cat owners and their pets: register based cohort study

RA Delicano , U Hammar , A Egenvall , C Westgarth , M Mubanga , L Byberg , T Fall , B Kennedy

BMJ. 2020 Dec 10;371:m4337. doi: 10.1136/bmj.m4337.In brief: Owners of dogs which have with diabetes are more likely to develop T2DM themselves than owners of dogs without diabetes. The underlying mechanisms might include shared diabetogenic health behaviours and environmental exposures. No shared risk of diabetes was found between cat owners and their cats.Co...