ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.7-2 | Basic Science | ESPEYB16

7.2. SIRT1 mediates obesity- and nutrient-dependent perturbation of pubertal timing by epigenetically controlling Kiss1 expression

MJ Vazquez , CA Toro , JM Castellano , F Ruiz-Pino , J Roa , D Beiroa , V Heras , I Velasco , C Dieguez , L Pinilla , F Gaytan , R Nogueiras , MA Bosch , OK Ronnekleiv , A Lomniczi , SR Ojeda , M Tena-Sempere

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun. 2018 Oct 10;9(1):4194.This study identifies Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), a fuel-sensing deacetylase, as a molecule that restrains female puberty via epigenetic repression of the puberty-activating gene, Kiss1 in rats.The last few years have brought evidence regarding the epigenetic control of the onset of puberty. It is now cle...

ey0019.10-2 | Reviews | ESPEYB19

10.2. Screening for type 1 diabetes in the general population: a status report and perspective

EK Sims , REJ Besser , C Dayan , Rasmussen C Geno , C Greenbaum , KJ Griffin , W Hagopian , M Knip , AE Long , F Martin , C Mathieu , M Rewers , AK Steck , JM Wentworth , SS Rich , O Kordonouri , AG Ziegler , KC Herold

NIDDK Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet Study Group.Diabetes. 2022 Apr 1;71(4):610-623. Summary: This is a comprehensive review on general population screening, a current hot topic in the field of type 1 diabetes (T1D). The authors provide a critical overview of the rationale for population screening, arguments for and against it, current efforts to gui...

ey0018.9-9 | Reproductive outcomes in childhood cancer survivors | ESPEYB18

9.9. Risk of induced abortions in childhood cancer survivors

JM Melin , VI Seppanen , TM Ylostalo , NK Malila , JM Pitkaniemi , M Gissler , LS Madanat-Harjuoja

Cancer. 2021; 127: 1439–1447. nationwide, Finnish registry-based study identified a lower likelihood of primary pregnancy (relative risk =0.72; 95% CI, 0.64–0.80) in 1357 childhood cancer survivors (CCS) diagnosed in 1971-2012 and 6658 age-matched general population controls. However the risk of induced abortion was similar in both gro...

ey0017.7-12 | Basic Science | ESPEYB17

7.12. Hypothalamic miR-30 regulates puberty onset via repression of the puberty-suppressing factor, Mkrn3

V Heras , S Sangiao-Alvarellos , M Manfredi-Lozano , MJ Sanchez-Tapia , F Ruiz- Pino , J Roa , M Lara-Chica , R Morrugares-Carmona , N Jouy , AP Abreu , V Prevot , D Belsham , MJ Vazquez , MA Calzado , L Pinilla , F Gaytan , AC Latronico , UB Kaiser , JM Castellano , M Tena-Sempere

To read the full abstract: PLoS biology vol. 17,11 e3000532. 7 Nov. 2019. doi: study unravels the role of the miR-30/Mkrn3 pathway in the hypothalamic regulation of puberty Puberty onset is triggered by a hypothalamic network of interconnected...

ey0015.4-11 | New perspectives | ESPEYB15

4.11 Genetic analyses in small-for-gestational-age newborns

SE Stalman , N Solanky , M Ishida , C Alemán-Charlet , S Abu-Amero , M Alders , L Alvizi , W Baird , C Demetriou , P Henneman , C James , LC Knegt , LJ Leon , MMAM Mannens , AN Mul , NA Nibbering , E Peskett , FI Rezwan , C Ris-Stalpers , JAM van der Post , GA Kamp , FB Plötz , JM Wit , P Stanier , GE Moore , RC Hennekam

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018; 103:917-925SGA is often defined as a birth weight and/or length < −2 SDS for gestational age and gender [43]. A frequent cause of SGA is fetal growth restriction (FGR), often associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity and also implicated in a higher risk of cardio-metabolic disease in adulthood. ...

ey0020.5-11 | Basic Research | ESPEYB20

5.11. Dicer ablation in Kiss1 neurons impairs puberty and fertility preferentially in female mice

J Roa , M Ruiz-Cruz , F Ruiz-Pino , R Onieva , MJ Vazquez , MJ Sanchez-Tapia , JM Ruiz-Rodriguez , V Sobrino , A Barroso , V Heras , I Velasco , C Perdices-Lopez , C Ohlsson , MS Avendano , V Prevot , M Poutanen , L Pinilla , F Gaytan , M Tena-Sempere

Brief summary: A newly developed mouse model of congenital ablation of Dicer in kisspeptin neurons was used to identify a role for miRNAs in kisspeptin neuron activity and control of reproduction.The last few years have seen a shift in paradigm with the discovery of epigenetic mechanisms regulating GnRH neuron activity and thus puberty and reproduction. In particular, miRNAs appear to play a crucial role in the maturation and function of the hypothalamic...

ey0019.14-5 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.5. Embryonic osteocalcin signalling determines lifelong adrenal steroidogenesis and homeostasis in the mouse

VK Yadav , JM Berger , P Singh , P Nagarajan , G Karsenty

J Clin Invest 2022;132(4):e153752 doi: 10.1172/JCI153752Brief summary: Using rodent and primate models, this study shows a classical endocrine feedback loop, where bone-derived osteocalcin enhances adrenal steroidogenesis, and the inactivation of osteocalcin signalling impairs adrenal growth and steroidogenesis.This study provides important evidence on the existence of the bo...

ey0016.2-11 | Maternal Obesity and Long-term Infant Consequences | ESPEYB16

2.11. Metformin for women who are overweight or obese during pregnancy for improving maternal and infant outcomes

JM Dodd , RM Grivell , AR Deussen , WM Hague

To read the full abstract: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018 Jul 24;7:CD010564.This review evaluated the role of metformin in pregnant women with obesity or who are overweight, on maternal and infant outcomes, including adverse effects of treatment and costs.Obesity and being overweight in pregnancy affect approximately 50% of women across low-income nations and is ...

ey0015.5-11 | GNAS and subcutaneous ossifications | ESPEYB15

5.11 Ossifications in Albright Hereditary Osteodystrophy: Role of Genotype, Inheritance, Sex, Age, Hormonal Status, and BMI

P Salemi , JM Skalamera Olson , LE Dickson , EL Germain-Lee

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103:158-168Defects at the GNAS locus give rise to various phenotypes, several of which are associated with subcutaneous ossifications (SCOs), which cause significant morbidity among the affected individuals. A subgroup of patients with paternally inherited GNAS mutations have progressive osseous heteroplasia (POH), characterized by severe he...

ey0016.10-11 | (1) | ESPEYB16

10.11. Changes in diabetes medication regimens and glycemic control in adolescents and young adults with youth-onset type 2 diabetes: The SEARCH for diabetes in youth study

CA Pinto , JM Stafford , T Wang , RR Shankar , JM Lawrence , G Kim , C Pihoker , RB Jr D'Agostino , D Dabelea

Pediatr Diabetes. 2018 May 15. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12691There is a small but significant debate as to whether or not type 1 (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) are the same disease with albeit different course. It might therefore be prudent to include into a chapter on T1D a publication on T2D. This study aimed to describe recent medication patterns and changes in medication patterns and glycemic con...