ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.3-7 | Congenital Hypothyroidism | ESPEYB16

3.7. Incidence of congenital hypothyroidism over 37 Years in Ireland

N McGrath , CP Hawkes , CM McDonnell , D Cody , SM O'Connell , PD Mayne , NP Murphy

To read the full abstract: Pediatrics. 2018;142(4). pii: e20181199.This unique study investigated the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism from the start of the newborn screening in 1979 to 2016. The authors report a marked increase in incidence from 0.27 cases per 1000 live births in 1979–1991 to 0.41 in 1992–2004 and 0.65 in 2005–2016.A major str...

ey0016.15-4 | (1) | ESPEYB16

15.4. Association of long-term child growth and developmental outcomes with metformin vs insulin treatment for gestational diabetes

SN Landi , S Radke , SM Engel , K Boggess , T Sturmer , AS Howe , MJ Funk

To read the full abstract: JAMA Pediatr 2019;173:160–168This paper describes a large population-based cohort of women in New Zealand who received metformin (n=1996 women) or insulin (n=1932) for treatment of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). There were no differences between the two groups in any measure of offspring childhood hei...

ey0015.1-2 | New mechanisms | ESPEYB15

1.2 Activation of temperature-sensitive TRPV1-like receptors in ARC POMC neurons reduces food intake

JH Jeong , DK Lee , SM Liu , SC Chua , GJ Schwartz , YH Jo

To read the full abstract: PLoS Biol 2018;16:e2004399The hypothalamus plays a central role in the control of numerous physiological pathways and received afferent pathways from the brain and from the periphery. For instance, body temperature changes in peripheral tissues are conveyed to the hypothalamus via the bloodstream. An increase of temperature within the hypothalamus results in an i...

ey0015.10-18 | Psychology and quality of life | ESPEYB15

10.18 Increasing risk of psychiatric morbidity after childhood onset T1DM: a population-based cohort study

D Dybdal , JS Tolstrup , SM Sildorf , KA Boisen , J Svensson , AM Skovgaard , GK Teilmann

To read the full abstract: Diabetologia. 2018;61:831-838T1DM in childhood and adolescence is a high burden for patients and family members. This is reflected by research that shows an increased incidence of psychiatric disorders in this patient group. Especially depression, eating disorders and anxiety disorders seem to be more prevalent. However data are mainly from small cohorts or regional...

ey0015.14-4 | Sow during infancy and reap later | ESPEYB15

14.4 Epigenetic correlates of neonatal contact in humans

SR Moore , LM McEwen , J Quirt , A Morin , SM Mah , RG Barr , WT Boyce , MS Kobor

To read the full abstract: Development and Psychopathology 2017;29:1517-1538Work in rodents, already some years ago, showed that epigenetic changes can be transmitted trans generations. This study shows that in humans, the simple act of touching during infancy has lifelong consequences on gene expression through epigenetic changes that sustain for at least 4 years. Children who were distresse...

ey0017.1-7 | Hypopituitarism: Disease Modeling and New Discoveries | ESPEYB17

1.7. Single cell transcriptome analysis of developing arcuate nucleus neurons uncovers their key developmental regulators

C Huisman , H Cho , O Brock , SJ Lim , SM Youn , Y Park , S Kim , SK Lee , A Delogu , JW Lee

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 16;10(1):3696. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11667-y. PMID: 31420539.The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) controls crucial physiological processes, such as growth, reproduction and energy homeostasis. However, it is unknown how ARC neurons gain their unique cellular identities and what are their developmental relationships. Here, the authors i...

ey0017.2-6 | Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus | ESPEYB17

2.6. Intellectual disability in KATP channel neonatal diabetes

P Svalastoga , A Sulen , JR Fehn , SM Aukland , H Irgens , E Sirnes , SKE Fevang , E Valen , IB Elgen , PR Njolstad

To read the full abstract: Diabetes Care. 2020 Mar;43(3):526–533. doi: 10.2337/dc19-1013. Epub 2020 Jan 13. PMID:31932458Neonatal diabetes mellitus (NDM) is defined as diabetes that develops in the first 6 months of age. In Western countries, the most common causes of NDM are activating mutations in the KCNJ11/ABCC8 genes. Neurological dysfunction is also common (up to 30%) in pati...

ey0015.6-5 | Position paper | ESPEYB15

6.5 Statement on gender-affirmative approach to care from the pediatric endocrine society special interest group on transgender health

X Lopez , M Marinkovic , T Eimicke , SM Rosenthal , JS Olshan , Pediatric Endocrine Society Special Interest Group on Transgender Health

To read the full abstract: Curr Opin Pediatr. 2017 Aug;29(4):475-480This is one of several editorials and position papers that has been published during the past year. It originates from the North American Pediatric Endocrine Society and its special interest group for transgender health. This article is of value for pediatricians dealing with any aspect of transgender health in children an...

ey0015.12-5 | New Mechanism | ESPEYB15

12.5 Role of DNA Methylation in Type 2 Diabetes Etiology: Using Genotype as a Causal Anchor

HR Elliott , HA Shihab , GA Lockett , JW Holloway , AF McRae , GD Smith , SM Ring , TR Gaunt , CL Relton

To read the full abstract: Diabetes 2017;66:1713-1722This study examined whether genetic variants predisposing to T2DM exert their influence on disease via changes in DNA methylation in a young, non-diabetic, cross-sectional cohort. The examination of young subjects who are disease-free enables exploration of SNP-methylation relationships without assessing methylation differences that result from rev...

ey0020.4-11 | Psychological Effects of Hormone Treatments | ESPEYB20

4.11. Psychosocial functioning in transgender youth after 2 years of hormones

D Chen , J Berona , YM Chan , D Ehrensaft , R Garofalo , MA Hidalgo , SM Rosenthal , AC Tishelman , J Olson-Kennedy

Brief summary: A four centre prospective longitudinal study of 315 transgender and non-binary adolescents in the USA showed improvement in gender congruence and appearance and some reduction of depression and anxiety (but not in birth-registered males) after 2 years of gender affirming hormone (GAH) treatment.The race is on to provide clear evidence to support hormonal intervention for transgender adolescents. This longitudinal study employed a number of...