ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0017.1-7 | Hypopituitarism: Disease Modeling and New Discoveries | ESPEYB17

1.7. Single cell transcriptome analysis of developing arcuate nucleus neurons uncovers their key developmental regulators

C Huisman , H Cho , O Brock , SJ Lim , SM Youn , Y Park , S Kim , SK Lee , A Delogu , JW Lee

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 16;10(1):3696. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11667-y. PMID: 31420539.The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) controls crucial physiological processes, such as growth, reproduction and energy homeostasis. However, it is unknown how ARC neurons gain their unique cellular identities and what are their developmental relationships. Here, the authors i...

ey0015.12-5 | New Mechanism | ESPEYB15

12.5 Role of DNA Methylation in Type 2 Diabetes Etiology: Using Genotype as a Causal Anchor

HR Elliott , HA Shihab , GA Lockett , JW Holloway , AF McRae , GD Smith , SM Ring , TR Gaunt , CL Relton

To read the full abstract: Diabetes 2017;66:1713-1722This study examined whether genetic variants predisposing to T2DM exert their influence on disease via changes in DNA methylation in a young, non-diabetic, cross-sectional cohort. The examination of young subjects who are disease-free enables exploration of SNP-methylation relationships without assessing methylation differences that result from rev...

ey0018.1-6 | Development/Ontogeny | ESPEYB18

1.6. The histone H3-lysine 4-methyltransferase Mll4 regulates the development of growth hormone-releasing hormone-producing neurons in the mouse hypothalamus

C Huisman , YA Kim , S Jeon , B Shin , J Choi , SJ Lim , SM Youn , Y Park , K C M , S Kim , SK Lee , S Lee , JW Lee

Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 11;12(1):256. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-20511-7. PMID: 33431871.These authors report two Mll4 mutant mouse models that exhibited dwarfism and altered development of GHRH−neurons.Inactivating mutations in KDM6A (aka UTX) or KMT2D (aka MLL4) genes result in Kabuki syndrome (KS), whose hallmarks in...

ey0016.12-2 | Type 2 Diabetes | ESPEYB16

12.2. Risk of type 2 diabetes in adolescents and young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a nationwide longitudinal study

MH Chen , TL Pan , JW Hsu , KL Huang , TP Su , CT Li , WC Lin , SJ Tsai , WH Chang , TJ Chen , YM Bai

J Clin Psychiatry 2018;79.DOI: 10.4088/JCP.17m11607Summary: In a population-based prospective cohort study, based on the Taiwan National Health Insurance Research Database, 35,949 adolescents and young adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) had a higher risk of developing T2DM and had a shorter duration between enrollment and onset of T2DM ...

ey0015.12-6 | Concepts revised | ESPEYB15

12.6 Monogenic Diabetes in Overweight and Obese Youth Diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes: The TODAY Clinical Trial

JW Kleinberger , KC Copeland , RG Gandica , MW Haymond , LL Levitsky , B Linder , AR Shuldiner , S Tollefsen , NH White , TI Pollin , TODAY Study Group

To read the full abstract: Genetics in Medicine 2018;20:583-590Maturity Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) is a heterogeneous group of monogenic forms of diabetes characterized by pancreatic beta-cell dysfunction, with autosomal dominant inheritance. Fourteen distinct MODY genetic subtypes have been identified. A definitive diagnosis of MODY is very challenging because of similar or overlapping cl...

ey0017.15-12 | (1) | ESPEYB17

15.12. A value-based healthcare approach: Health-related quality of life and psychosocial functioning in women with Turner syndrome

AT van den Hoven , LR Bons , RHM Dykgraaf , AB Dessens , H Pastoor , LCG de Graaff , MR Metselaar , A Kneppers-Swets , I Kardys , H Mijnarends , F Zweerus , JA Hazelzet , EMWJ Utens , AE van den Bosch , JW Roos-Hesselink

To read the full abstract: Clinical Endocrinology 2020;92:434–442.The authors developed and applied questionnaires to capture various aspects of health-related quality of life (HR-QoL) and psychosocial functioning in a large cohort of adult women with Turner syndrome (TS). Women with TS reported a lower HR-QoL, perceived more stress and experienced increased fatigue compared to the general population. They found a relationship between HR-Qo...

ey0015.3-5 | Follow-up paper from Yearbook 2012 | ESPEYB15

3.5 Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening II: effect of treating maternal suboptimal thyroid function on child cognition

C Hales , PN Taylor , S Channon , R Paradice , K McEwan , L Zhang , M Gyedu , A Bakhsh , O Okosieme , I Muller , MS Draman , JW Gregory , C Dayan , JH Lazarus , DA Rees , M Ludgate

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018;103:1583-1591The Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening (CATS) study started in 2002 and was the first randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effect of screening and treatment of mild hypothyroidism during pregnancy on child cognition1. A large number of women (n=21,846) were recruited at a median ...

ey0018.11-10 | Mechanism of the year | ESPEYB18

11.10. Intercellular mitochondria transfer to macrophages regulates white adipose tissue homeostasis and is impaired in obesity

JR Brestoff , CB Wilen , JR Moley , Y Li , W Zou , NP Malvin , MN Rowen , BT Saunders , H Ma , MR Mack , BL Hykes , DR Balce , A Orvedahl , JW Williams , N Rohatgi , X Wang , MR McAllaster , SA Handley , BS Kim , JG Doench , BH Zinselmeyer , MS Diamond , HW Virgin , AE Gelman , SL Teitelbaum

Cell Metab 2021;33(2): 270–282.e8. doi: et al. show, for the first time, that mitochondria are transferred from adipocytes to macrophages and that this event has an impact on systemic metabolic homeostasis.Within the last years, it has been demonstrated that cells are able to communicate with each other by the exchange of organell...

ey0019.11-3 | New findings in adipose tissue biology | ESPEYB19

11.3. Isthmin-1 is an adipokine that promotes glucose uptake and improves glucose tolerance and hepatic steatosis

Z Jiang , M Zhao , L Voilquin , Y Jung , MA Aikio , T Sahai , FY Dou , AM Roche , I Carcamo-Orive , JW Knowles , M Wabitsch , EA Appel , CL Maikawa , JP Camporez , GI Shulman , L Tsai , ED Rosen , CD Gardner , BM Spiegelman , KJ Svensson Cell Metab 2021; 33(9): 1836–1852.e11 Summary: This rodent study identified a novel adipokine in mice which triggers a signaling cascade similar to that of insulin. By acting via an unknown tyrosine kinase, isthmin-1 (ISM1) ameliorates metabolic disturbances associated wit...

ey0019.14-7 | Steroidogenesis and beyond | ESPEYB19

14.7. Placental uptake and metabolism of 25(OH)vitamin D determine its activity within the fetoplacental unit

B Ashley , C Simner , A Manousopoulou , C Jenkinson , F Hey , JM Frost , FI Rezwan , CH White , EM Lofthouse , E Hyde , LDF Cooke , S Barton , P Mahon , EM Curtis , RJ Moon , SR Crozier , HM Inskip , KM Godfrey , JW Holloway , C Cooper , KS Jones , RM Lewis , M Hewison , SDD Garbis , MR Branco , NC Harvey , JK Cleal

eLife 2022;11:e71094 doi: 10.7554/eLife.71094Brief summary: Using placental perfusion, placental fragment culture and primary term human cytotrophoblast culture experiments, the authors signify the relationship between maternal vitamin D, placental vitamin D metabolism and fetal vitamin D exposure.In this study, the uptake of radio-labelled vitamin D (13C-25(OH)D...