ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.15-18 | (1) | ESPEYB16

15.18. The gravitostat regulates fat mass in obese male mice while leptin regulates fat mass in lean male mice

C Ohlsson , DA Hagg , F Hammarhjelm , A Dalmau Gasull , J Bellman , SH Windahl , V Palsdottir , JO Jansson

To read the full abstract: Endocrinology. 2018 Jul 1;159(7):2676–2682.The authors compared the effects of leptin versus weight loading using intraperitoneal weighted capsules (‘gravitostat stimulation’) on changes in fat mass in mice. Leptin infusion suppressed body weight and fat mass in lean but not in overweight or obese mice. Weight loading decreased body weight in ove...

ey0015.1-3 | New mechanisms | ESPEYB15

1.3 Hypothalamic stem cells control ageing speed partly through exosomal miRNAs

Y Zhang , MS Kim , B Jia , J Yan , JP Zuniga-Hertz , C Han , D Cai

To read the full abstract: Nature 2017;548:52-57The central nervous system contributes to ageing. The hypothalamus seems to be particularly important in this process. Recent studies have demonstrated a link between ageing and a decrease of neurogenesis in the hippocampus and the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle in the brain. Neural stem/progenitor cells (NSC) reside in those regions in ...

ey0015.1-4 | New mechanisms | ESPEYB15

1.4 Disrupted-in-Schizophrenia-1 is essential for normal hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) axis function

H Eachus , C Bright , VT Cunliffe , M Placzek , JD Wood , PJ Watt

To read the full abstract: Hum Mol Genet 2017;26:1992-2005Mutations in human DISC1 have been previously associated with mental illness, such as schizophrenia and depression. Moreover, DISC1 has been shown to be important in regulating CNS neurogenesis through the Wnt/β-catenin pathway. However the mechanism by which DISC1 causes mental illness is not known. In this elegant work, Eachus <...

ey0015.2-19 | Novel mechanisms of islet dysfunction in intrauterine growth restricted rats | ESPEYB15

Novel mechanisms of islet dysfunction in intrauterine growth restricted rats

CS Rashid , YC Lien , A Bansal , LJ Jaeckle-Santos , C Li , KJ Won , RA Simmons

To read the full abstract: Endocrinology. 2018 Feb 1;159(2):1035-1049Placental insufficiency leads to intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) which in the fetus leads to hypoxemia and hypoglycemia. IUGR fetuses are charaterised by having higher circulating catecholamine concentrations and lower circulating insulin concentrations, as well as impaired glucose stimulated insulin secretion. In cases o...

ey0015.3-6 | Maternal thyroid disease during pregnancy | ESPEYB15

3.6 Maternal thyroid function and child educational attainment: prospective cohort study

SM Nelson , C Haig , A Mc Connachie , N Sattar , SM Ring , GD Smith , DA Lawlor , RS Lindsay

To read the full abstract: BMJ 2018;360:k452The role of thyroid hormones during early gestation is well established by animal studies. In humans, previous studies have shown that maternal hypothyroxinemia was associated with either an early reduction in psychomotor scales (e.g. Bayley scale of infant development) or later in late infancy or adolescence. However, randomized controlled trials on...

ey0015.4-2 | Important for clinical practice | ESPEYB15

4.2 Efficacy of growth hormone treatment in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus and growth hormone deficiency-an analysis of KIGS data

W Bonfig , A Lindberg , M Carlsson , W Cutfield , D Dunger , C Camacho-Hübner , RW Holl

To read the full abstract: J Pediatr 2018; 198: 260-264The incidence of T1DM in children <15 years is increasing at an overall annual relative rate of 3.9% (95% CI 3.6-4.2) [11]. The prevalence of GHD is estimated at approximately 1:4000 to 1:10000 [12-14]. Management of the very rare patients who have both T1DM and GHD raises questions of efficacy and safety of ...

ey0015.4-11 | New perspectives | ESPEYB15

4.11 Genetic analyses in small-for-gestational-age newborns

SE Stalman , N Solanky , M Ishida , C Alemán-Charlet , S Abu-Amero , M Alders , L Alvizi , W Baird , C Demetriou , P Henneman , C James , LC Knegt , LJ Leon , MMAM Mannens , AN Mul , NA Nibbering , E Peskett , FI Rezwan , C Ris-Stalpers , JAM van der Post , GA Kamp , FB Plötz , JM Wit , P Stanier , GE Moore , RC Hennekam

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2018; 103:917-925SGA is often defined as a birth weight and/or length < −2 SDS for gestational age and gender [43]. A frequent cause of SGA is fetal growth restriction (FGR), often associated with perinatal mortality and morbidity and also implicated in a higher risk of cardio-metabolic disease in adulthood. ...

ey0015.9-7 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.7 Growth outcomes after GH therapy of patients given long-term corticosteroids for Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

H David , C Aupiais , B Louveau , P Quartier , E Jacqz-Aigrain , JC Carel , D Simon

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017;102:4578-4587In chronic inflammatory diseases, inflammatory cytokines and exogenous glucocorticoid exposure affect growth through systemic effects on the GH–IGF-1 axis and local effects on the growth plates. Low plasma IGF-1 levels are related to systemic GH insufficiency or to hepatic GH resistance. Changes in IGF binding proteins ha...

ey0015.9-9 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.9 Growth hormone treatment improves final height and nutritional status of children with chronic kidney disease and growth deceleration

C Bizzarri , A Lonero , M Delvecchio , L Cavallo , MF Faienza , M Giordano , L Dello Strologo , M Cappa

To read the full abstract: J Endocrinol Invest. 2018;41:325-331Growth failure is common in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and has a multifactorial etiology. The hypothalamus-pituitary axis is intact, but there is a resistance to growth hormone (GH) action in target tissues, secondary to decreased density of GH receptors, impaired signal transduction and reduced levels of free insu...

ey0015.11-2 | New insight into obesity comorbidities | ESPEYB15

11.2 Impact of severe obesity on cardiovascular risk factors in youth

G Zabarsky , C Beek , E Hagman , B Pierpoint , S Caprio , R Weiss

To read the full abstract: Journal of Pediatrics 2018;192:105-114Rising degree of obesity has been shown to predict increased metabolic risk in obese children and adolescents (1). Nonetheless, it is unclear if BMI categories can be successfully applied to populations of obese children and adolescents for a risk-adapted stratification of therapeutic approaches, and here especially for the in...