ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0018.9-5 | Surveillance strategies of endocrine complications | ESPEYB18

9.5. Beyond premature ovarian Insufficiency: staging reproductive aging in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors.

ACO Medica , BW Whitcomb , K Shliakhsitsava , AC Dietz , K Pinson , C Lam , SAD Romero , P Sluss , MD Sammel , HI Su

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106: e1002–e1013. cross-sectional study applied a commonly used system to classify reproductive aging (Stages of Reproductive Aging Workshop +10 or ‘STRAW +10’) to 338 adolescents and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors (1). The study aimed to evaluate if STRAW +10 correctly identifies premature ovaria...

ey0018.10-3 | (1) | ESPEYB18

10.3. Caring for children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: Italian Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology (ISPED) statements during COVID-19 pandemia

G d'Annunzio , C Maffeis , V Cherubini , I Rabbone , A Scaramuzza , R Schiaffini , N Minuto , G Piccolo , M Maghnie

Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2020;168:108372. doi: 10.1016/j.diabres.2020.108372Here, the Italian Society for Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology carried out a literature search in Medline and Embase and also Diabetes Societies websites until May 21st, 2020 for guidelines and recommendations on T1D management during the COVID-19 pandemic. They state that there is currently no evidenc...

ey0018.13-2 | Diabetes | ESPEYB18

13.2. Worldwide differences in childhood type 1 diabetes: The SWEET experience

M Saiyed , D Hasnani , GT Alonso , E Richmond , S Besancon , A Cotterill , U Ngwu , C Mazza , D Rottenbourg , S Lanzinger

Pediatr Diabetes 2020;1–8. doi: 10.1111/pedi.13137– As part of the SWEET initiative, the authors analyzed the clinical characteristics of 26,726 individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) aged < 21 years living in Europe, Asia/Middle East/Africa, Australia/New Zealand, North America and South America– Among patient care indicators, the percent of HbA1c < 7.5% ranged between r...

ey0018.15-6 | (1) | ESPEYB18

15.6. The gut-brain axis mediates sugar preference

Tan Hwei-Ee , Sisti Alexander C , Jin Hao , Vignovich Martin , Villavicencio Miguel , Tsang Katherine S , Goffer Yossef , Zuker Charles S

Nature, 2020. 580, 511–516. The authors identify in mice a population of neurons in the vagal ganglia and brainstem that are activated by the direct delivery of sugar but not artificial sweeteners to the gut. They genetically engineered changes in this gut-to-brain circuit. Silencing of synaptic activity in this circuit prevented...

ey0019.3-4 | Thyroid development | ESPEYB19

3.4. Transcriptomic signature of human embryonic thyroid reveals transition from differentiation to functional maturation

G Dom , P Dmitriev , MA Lambot , Vliet G Van , D Glinoer , F Libert , A Lefort , JE Dumont , C Maenhaut

Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Jun 11;9:669354. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.669354. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34249923Brief Summary: This in vitro study analyzed the transcriptome of the developing thyroid gland in human embryonic thyroids compared to non-thyroidal human embryonic tissues and adult thyroid and adult non-thyroidal tissues. They identified four differently regulated sets of gen...

ey0019.5-10 | Translational highlights | ESPEYB19

5.10. INZ-701 prevents ectopic tissue calcification and restores bone architecture and growth in ENPP1-deficient mice

Z Cheng , K O'Brien , J Howe , C Sullivan , D Schrier , A Lynch , S Jungles , Y Sabbagh , D Thompson

J Bone Miner Res. 2021 Aug;36(8):1594-1604.Abstract: https://pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/33900645/In Brief: Enzyme replacement therapy with human ENPP1-Fc protein in Enpp1asj/asj mice, a murine model of ENPP1 deficiency, restored circulating levels of PPi, prevented clinical manifestations and decreased mortality.Commentary: ENPP1 deficiency causes gen...

ey0019.9-3 | Metabolic risk in childhood cancer | ESPEYB19

9.3. Characterization and risk factors of hyperglycaemia during treatment of childhood hematologic malignancies

S Welsch , K Sawadogo , B Brichard , Ville de Goyet M de , Damme A Van , C Boulanger , P Lysy Diabet Med. 2022; 39: e14720. PMID: 34652870.Brief Summary: Childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk of hyperglycaemia and diabetes due to cancer treatments as asparaginase, steroids and total body irradiation. This single center, retrospective study analyzed the prevalence of hyperglycaemia in 267 patients treated between 2004 and 2019 for hematologic malignancie...

ey0019.9-10 | Fertility issues and reproductive outcomes in childhood cancer survivors | ESPEYB19

9.10. In male Hodgkin lymphoma patients, impaired fertility may be improved by non-gonadotoxic therapy

Laddaga F.E. , Masciopinto P. , Nardelli C. , Vacca M.P. , Masciandaro P. , Arcuti E. , Cicinelli E. , Specchia G. , Musto P. , Gaudio F. British Journal of Haematology, 2022, 196, 110–115. PMID: 34462914.Brief Summary: This prospective single-centre study evaluated fertility in men diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) by sperm analysis, in order to identify clinical and biological characteristics correlated with fertility status. Only 28% of men showed normal sperm analysis.Previous studies in ...

ey0017.1-7 | Hypopituitarism: Disease Modeling and New Discoveries | ESPEYB17

1.7. Single cell transcriptome analysis of developing arcuate nucleus neurons uncovers their key developmental regulators

C Huisman , H Cho , O Brock , SJ Lim , SM Youn , Y Park , S Kim , SK Lee , A Delogu , JW Lee

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun. 2019 Aug 16;10(1):3696. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11667-y. PMID: 31420539.The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (ARC) controls crucial physiological processes, such as growth, reproduction and energy homeostasis. However, it is unknown how ARC neurons gain their unique cellular identities and what are their developmental relationships. Here, the authors i...

ey0017.3-7 | Congenital hypothyroidism | ESPEYB17

3.7. DUOX2/DUOXA2 mutations frequently cause congenital hypothyroidism that evades detection on newborn screening in the UK

C Peters , AK Nicholas , E Schoenmakers , G Lyons , S Langham , EG Serra , NJ Sebire , M Muzza , L Fugazzola , N Schoenmakers

To read the full abstract: Thyroid. 2019;29:790–801.Patients with mutations in the dual oxidase 2 (DUOX2 ) gene – encoding a NADPH oxidase that generates hydrogen peroxidase for iodide organification – have been repeatedly reported as not being detected by neonatal screening because it causes only mild hyperthyrotropinemia at birth. Here, Peters et al. determined the incidence of DUOX2 and dual oxidase 2...