ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.1-1 | (1) | ESPEYB16

1.1. Genome-wide association analyses of chronotype in 697, 828 individuals provides insights into circadian rhythms

SE Jones , JM Lane , AR Wood , VT van Hees , J Tyrrell , RN Beaumont , AR Jeffries , HS Dashti , M Hillsdon , KS Ruth , MA Tuke , H Yaghootkar , SA Sharp , Y Jie , WD Thompson , JW Harrison , A Dawes , EM Byrne , H Tiemeier , KV Allebrandt , J Bowden , DW Ray , RM Freathy , A Murray , DR Mazzotti , PR Gehrman , DA Lawlor , TM Frayling , MK Rutter , DA Hinds , R Saxena , MN Weedon

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun 2019;10:343This paper reports many loci associated with chronotype (i.e. being a ‘morning person’ or ‘evening person’) in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 697, 828 participants from the UK Biobank and 23andMe cohorts. The link between chronotype and sleep timing and quality is well known. It was therefore interestin...

ey0015.15-6 | New treatments | ESPEYB15

15.6 Treatment of Endometriosis-Associated Pain with Elagolix, an Oral GnRH Antagonist

HS Taylor , LC Giudice , BA Lessey , MS Abrao , J Kotarski , DF Archer , MP Diamond , E Surrey , NP Johnson , NB Watts , JC Gallagher , JA Simon , BR Carr , WP Dmowski , N Leyland , JP Rowan , WR Duan , J Ng , B Schwefel , JW Thomas , RI Jain , K Chwalisz

To read the full abstract: N Engl J Med 2017;377:28-40We highlight this paper for 3 reasons. First, remarkably there are few robust data on effective treatment options for endometriosis. Subcutaneous GnRH antagonists are sometimes used off-label, but with very limited evidence. Secondly, the clear findings here confirm the pathogenesis of endometriosis as being driven by an over-act...

ey0020.8-5 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB20

8.5. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on long-term trends in the prevalence of diabetic ketoacidosis at diagnosis of paediatric type 1 diabetes: an international multicentre study based on data from 13 national diabetes registries

NH Birkebaek , C Kamrath , JM Grimsmann , K Aakesson , V Cherubini , K Dovc , C de Beaufort , GT Alonso , JW Gregory , M White , T Skrivarhaug , Z Sumnik , C Jefferies , T Hortenhuber , A Haynes , M De Bock , J Svensson , JT Warner , O Gani , R Gesuita , R Schiaffini , R Hanas , A Rewers , AJ Eckert , RW Holl , O Cinek

Brief summary: This international multicentre study collected data from 104 290 children and adolescents (6 months-18 years-old), to compare prevalence of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (T1D) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prevalence of DKA at T1D diagnosis increased from 27.3% pre-pandemic to 39.4% during the pandemic, and the increased trends were associated with the pandemic containment measures.DKA is a life-thr...

ey0016.14-4 | (1) | ESPEYB16

14.4. A reprogramming human T cell function and specificity with non-viral genome targeting

TL Roth , C Puig-Saus , R Yu , E Shifrut , J Carnevale , PJ Li , Hiatt , J Saco , P Krystofinski , H Li , V Tobin , DN Nguyen , MR Lee , AL Putnam , AL Ferris , JW Chen , JN Schickel , L Pellerin , D Carmody , G Alkorta-Aranburu , D Del Gaudio , H Matsumoto , M Morell , Y Mao , M Cho , RM Quadros , CB Gurumurthy , B Smith , M Haugwitz , SH Hughes , JS Weissman , K Schumann , JH Esensten , AP May , A Ashworth , GM Kupfer , SAW Greeley , R Bacchetta , E Meffre , MG Roncarolo , N Romberg , KC Herold , A Ribas , MD Leonetti , A Marson

To read the full abstract: Nature. 2018 Jul;559(7714):405–409This article decries a CRISPR-Cas9 genome-targeting system that does not require viral vectors, allowing rapid and efficient insertion of large DNA sequences at specific sites in the genomes of primary human T cells, while preserving cell viability and function.The common approach to genetically...

ey0020.10-8 | New Drugs for Children with T2DM | ESPEYB20

10.8. Outcomes in children of women with type 2 diabetes exposed to metformin versus placebo during pregnancy (MiTy Kids): a 24-month follow-up of the MiTy randomised controlled trial

DS Feig , JJ Sanchez , KE Murphy , E Asztalos , B Zinman , D Simmons , AM Haqq , IG Fantus , L Lipscombe , A Armson , J Barrett , L Donovan , P Karanicolas , S Tobin , K Mangoff , G Klein , Y Jiang , G Tomlinson , J Hamilton , MiTy Kids Collaborative Group Hamilton

Brief summary: MiTy Kids is a prospective cohort study of children who were exposed to metformin during pregnancy. At 24 months, no difference was observed between those exposed to metformin and a placebo group, in BMI trajectories, mean BMI Z-score, or mean sum of skinfolds. Among those exposed to metformin, the BMI was higher among males than females.Comment: Metformin is increasingly used during pregnancy in women with T2D, but data on its lo...

ey0016.9-10 | Fertility Issues in Chronic Diseases: New Insights | ESPEYB16

9.10. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue may be considered in young girls with galactosemia

LS Mamsen , TW Kelsey , E Ernst , KT Macklon , AM Lund , CY Andersen

To read the full abstract: J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Jul; 35(7):1209.Galactosemia is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder of the galactose metabolism, caused by impaired activity of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT). Complete deficiency or severely reduced activity of GALT affects approximately 1:30,000 to 1:50,000 persons. Girls and women with classic galactosemia have...

ey0015.5-10 | Growth velocity as a laboratory parameter | ESPEYB15

5.10 A degradation fragment of type X collagen is a real-time marker for bone growth velocity

RF Coghlan , JA Oberdorf , S Sienko , MD Aiona , BA Boston , KJ Connelly , C Bahney , J LaRouche , SM Almubarak , DT Coleman , I Girkontaite , K von der Mark , GP Lunstrum , WA Horton

To read the full abstract: Sci Transl Med 2017;9(419)Can growth velocity be monitored by a lab test? Previous approaches to this methodological challenge focused on the correlation of linear growth to more established parameters such as C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP). Potentially more specific markers of endochondral ossification - with the exception of amino-terminal propeptide of CNP (...

ey0020.6-11 | New Genes | ESPEYB20

6.11. Identification of risk loci for primary aldosteronism in genome-wide association studies

E Le Floch , T Cosentino , CK Larsen , F Beuschlein , M Reincke , L Amar , GP Rossi , K De Sousa , S Baron , S Chantalat , B Saintpierre , L Lenzini , A Frouin , I Giscos-Douriez , M Ferey , AB Abdellatif , T Meatchi , JP Empana , X Jouven , C Gieger , M Waldenberger , A Peters , D Cusi , E Salvi , P Meneton , M Touvier , M Deschasaux , N Druesne-Pecollo , S Boulkroun , FL Fernandes-Rosa , JF Deleuze , X Jeunemaitre , MC Zennaro

Brief summary: This genome-wide association study (GWAS) reports the first genetic loci for risk of primary aldosteronism. New candidate genes and their potential mechanisms for the development of aldosterone excess are described.Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most frequent form of secondary hypertension (5% of patients with hypertension in primary care and 10–20% of patients with hypertension referred to specialist care). PA is associated with c...

ey0016.5-9 | Clinical Advances in Treatment | ESPEYB16

5.9. Asfotase alfa for infants and young children with hypophosphatasia: 7 year outcomes of a single-arm, open-label, phase 2 extension trial

MP Whyte , JH Simmons , S Moseley , KP Fujita , N Bishop , NJ Salman , J Taylor , D Phillips , M McGinn , WH McAlister

Abstract: Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2019 Feb;7(2):93–105.In brief: The study reports outcomes of a single-arm 7-year phase 2 extension trial of Asfotase alfa for infants and children with life-threatening hypophosphatasia who received a median of 6·6 years of therapy. The early improvements previously reported were sustained for up to 7 years of treatment.<p class...

ey0020.9-12 | Obesity as a Brain Disease | ESPEYB20

9.12. Impaired brain satiety responses after weight loss in children with obesity

CL Roth , SJ Melhorn , MRB De Leon , MG Rowland , CT Elfers , A Huang , BE Saelens , EA Schur

Brief summary: Roth et al. studied the relationship between obesity outcomes and meal-induced changes in neural activation to high- versus low-calorie food cues before and after 24-week family-based behavioral treatment (FBT) in n=28 children (9–11 years) with obesity and in n=17 children of healthy weight without intervention (9–11 years). Among children with obesity who underwent FBT, unfavorable changes were observed in peripheral hormon...