ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.13-10 | Endocrinology: Disorders of Sexual Development | ESPEYB16

13.10. Women with amenorrhea and men with menstruation: the qualitative experiences of people with disorders of sex development in Nigeria

AM San , II Arif , MM Arshad , IA Munga , KG Soh , KL Soh

J Nurs Res. 2019 Mar 7. DOI: 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000313• This qualitative study evaluated the physical and emotional experiences of 13 adults living with disorders of sexual development (DSD) at a tertiary care center in Nigeria.• Diagnosis of DSD is frequently delayed in LMIC resulting in development of ambiguous physical traits and features.<...

ey0015.10-18 | Psychology and quality of life | ESPEYB15

10.18 Increasing risk of psychiatric morbidity after childhood onset T1DM: a population-based cohort study

D Dybdal , JS Tolstrup , SM Sildorf , KA Boisen , J Svensson , AM Skovgaard , GK Teilmann

To read the full abstract: Diabetologia. 2018;61:831-838T1DM in childhood and adolescence is a high burden for patients and family members. This is reflected by research that shows an increased incidence of psychiatric disorders in this patient group. Especially depression, eating disorders and anxiety disorders seem to be more prevalent. However data are mainly from small cohorts or regional...

ey0015.11-3 | New insight into obesity comorbidities | ESPEYB15

11.3 Body mass index and kidney disease-related mortality in midlife: A nationwide cohort of 2.3 million adolescents

G Twig , A Vivante , T Bader , E Derazne , AM Tsur , M Levi , N Goldberger , A Leiba , JD Kark

To read the full abstract: Obesity 2018;26(4):776-781Here, Twig et al. shed light on an important, but not well investigated facet of the complex, multi-organ system chronic disease simply termed ‘obesity’. Using the large statistical power of this impressive, nation-wide database, the authors demonstrate high hazard ratios for obesity-related kidney mortality in a relatively young cohort...

ey0020.8-8 | New Paradigms | ESPEYB20

8.8. Type 1 diabetes as a prototypical condition challenging what we know about sleep

AM Gregory , MK Rutter , J Ware , JJ Madrid-Valero , R Hovorka , DJ Buysse

Brief summary: This ‘Letter to the Editor’ provides a critical review on how behavioural and physiological aspects of type 1 diabetes (T1D) and its management can interfere with standard principles of good quality and duration of sleep.Quality of sleep is important for general human functioning, cognitive performance, emotional well-being, as well as immune function and cardiovascular health (1). The benefits of optimal sleep apply to everyone ...

ey0018.6-12 | Reviews with Clinical Impact for DSD Care | ESPEYB18

6.12. Peptide hormone analysis in diagnosis and treatment of Differences of Sex Development: joint position paper of EU COST Action 'DSDnet' and European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions

TH Johannsen , AM Andersson , SF Ahmed , YB de Rijke , RF Greaves , MF Hartmann , O Hiort , PM Holterhus , NP Krone , A Kulle , ML Ljubicic , G Mastorakos , J McNeilly , AM Pereira , A Saba , SA Wudy , KM Main , A Juul

Eur J Endocrinol. 2020 Jun;182(6):P1–P15. doi: 10.1530/EJE-19-0831. PMID: 32268295.This paper describes the concerted efforts of the EU COST Action DSDNet and the European network for rare endocrine diseases Endo-ERN. A total of 33 laboratories were involved and they describe state of the art assessments of the peptide hormones: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH)...

ey0017.6-3 | Differences/Disorders of Sex Development: A DSDnet Pape | ESPEYB17

6.3. Peptide hormone analysis in diagnosis and treatment of differences of sex development: Joint position paper of EU COST action ‘DSDnet’ and european reference network on rare endocrine conditions

TH Johannsen , AM Andersson , SF Ahmed , YB de Rijke , RF Greaves , MF Hartmann , O Hiort , PM Holterhus , NP Krone , A Kulle , ML Ljubicic , G Mastorakos , J McNeilly , AM Pereira , A Saba , SA Wudy , KM Main , A Juul

To read the full abstract: Eur J Endocrinol. 2020, Jun; 182: P1–p15; doi: and monitoring of therapies for DSD patients require clinical, biochemical and genetic assessments. Biochemical analyses comprise the measurements of peptide and steroid hormones. This positi...

ey0018.10-9 | (1) | ESPEYB18

10.9. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration in childhood and risk of islet autoimmunity and type 1 diabetes: the TRIGR nested case-control ancillary study

ME Miettinen , S Niinisto , I Erlund , D Cuthbertson , AM Nucci , J Honkanen , O Vaarala , H Hyoty , JP Krischer , M Knip

Diabetologia. 2020;63(4):780–787. doi: 10.1007/s00125-019-05077-4.This multicenter multinational study, in children with high genetic risk of T1D, identified an association between lower serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD) concentrations and subsequent appearance of islet autoimmunity or T1D.The Trial to Reduce IDDM in the Genetically at Risk (TRIGR) ancillary ...

ey0019.10-13 | Pathogenesis | ESPEYB19

10.13. Human islet T cells are highly reactive to preproinsulin in type 1 diabetes

AM Anderson , LG Landry , AA Alkanani , L Pyle , AC Powers , MA Atkinson , CE Mathews , BO Roep , AW Michels , M Nakayama

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Oct 12;118(41):e2107208118. Summary: This in vitro study explored the reactivity to preproinsulin of CD8 T cells obtained from pancreatic islets of individuals with and without type 1 diabetes (T1D). The main finding was that CD8 T cells from T1D donors were highly reactive to peptides throughout the entire prepro...

ey0017.8-21 | Reviews | ESPEYB17

8.21. P450 oxidoreductase deficiency: A systematic review and meta-analysis of genotypes, phenotypes, and their relationships

B Dean , GL Chrisp , M Quartararo , AM Maguire , S Hameed , BR King , CF Munns , DJ Torpy , H Falhammar , RL Rushworth

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105(3): dgz255. PMID: 31825489.P450 oxidoreductase deficiency (PORD) is a rare autosomal recessive variant of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) arising from homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations to the gene encoding the enzyme P450 oxidoreductase (POR ) (1). Patients with PORD have a range of skeletal malformation...

ey0017.11-4 | Basic Science | ESPEYB17

11.4. Omega-3 fatty acids activate ciliary FFAR4 to control adipogenesis

KI Hilgendorf , CT Johnson , A Mezger , SL Rice , AM Norris , J Demeter , WJ Greenleaf , JF Reiter , D Kopinke , PK Jackson

To read the full abstract: Cell. 2019;179, 1–17. doi: current study demonstrates that primary cilia, which are present on all adult mesenchymal stem cells including preadipocytes, play a major role in adipogenic differentiation. Using a transgenic mouse model where all preadipocytes were devoid of cilia, they could elegantly show that cilia ...