ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0016.5-17 | Basic Science - Bone | ESPEYB16

5.17. Coupling of bone resorption and formation by RANKL reverse signalling

Y Ikebuchi , S Aoki , M Honma , M Hayashi , Y Sugamori , M Khan , Y Kariya , G Kato , Y Tabata , JM Penninger , N Udagawa , K Aoki , H Suzuki

Abstract: Nature. 2018 Sep;561(7722):195–200.In brief: This study used various cell-based methods and animal models to investigate the RANK-RANKL signaling pathway in bone homeostasis. The authors show for the first time, that reverse signaling exists from osteoclast to osteoblast and that vesicular RANK, secreted by the osteoclast, relays information to the osteoblast...

ey0016.10-9 | (1) | ESPEYB16

10.9. Continuous glucose monitoring and glycemic control among youth with type 1 diabetes: International comparison from the T1D Exchange and DPV Initiative

DJ DeSalvo , KM Miller , JM Hermann , DM Maahs , SE Hofer , MA Clements , E Lilienthal , JL Sherr , M Tauschmann , RW Holl , Exchange DPV Registries T1D

To read the full abstract: Pediatr Diabetes. 2018;19:1271–1275New technologies such as continuous glucose monitoring, insulin pumps and closed-loop systems are likely to change diabetes care and hopefully will reduce the burden of disease management, decrease diabetes associated comorbidities, and increase life expectancy.To assess the change in rates of pedia...

ey0015.5-2 | New and repurposed therapies | ESPEYB15

5.2 Increased intracellular proteolysis reduces disease severity in an ER stress-associated dwarfism

LA Mullan , EJ Mularczyk , LH Kung , M Forouhan , JM Wragg , R Goodacre , JF Bateman , E Swanton , MD Briggs , RP Boot-Handford

To read the full abstract: J Clin Invest 2017;127:3861-3865Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Schmid type (MCDS) is an orphan disease with highly abnormal endochondral ossification causing shortening and deformities of the limbs, impairment of mobility and chronic pain. As for most skeletal dysplasias, current treatment options remain symptomatic due to the lack in causal therapeutic measures. In the actua...

ey0015.10-6 | Continuous glucose monitoring, insulin pumps and artificial pancreas | ESPEYB15

10.6 Reduction in hypoglycemia with the predictive low-glucose management system: a long-term randomized controlled trial in adolescents with T1DM

MB Abraham , JA Nicholas , GJ Smith , JM Fairchild , BR King , GR Ambler , FJ Cameron , EA Davis , TW Jones , PLGM Study Group

To read the full abstract: Diabetes Care. 2018;41:303-310One of the major short term complications of T1DM is the imminent risk of hypoglycemia during insulin treatment. In addition and importantly, long term complications of diabetes include those induced by frequent hypoglycemia, namely neurologic and developmental impairment upon frequent hypoglycemic episodes at a young age. In addition, it is de...

ey0015.15-1 | Seeing is believing: childhood overweight and obesity | ESPEYB15

15.1 Development of the MapMe intervention body image scales of known weight status for 4-5 and 10-11 year old children

AR Jones , MJ Tovee , LR Cutler , KN Parkinson , LJ Ells , V Araujo-Soares , MS Pearce , KD Mann , D Scott , JM Harris , AJ Adamson

To read the full abstract: J Public Health (Oxf) 2017:1-9Our efforts to control overweight and obesity in children are severely hampered because most of their parents (and indeed most of their health professionals!) cannot visually recognise an obese child, let alone one who is overweight. This is particularly difficult at around the ages 4-6 years old because this coincides with the BMI n...

ey0015.15-2 | Global burden of obesity | ESPEYB15

15.2 Health Effects of Overweight and Obesity in 195 Countries over 25 Years

AR Jones , MJ Tovee , LR Cutler , KN Parkinson , LJ Ells , V Araujo-Soares , MS Pearce , KD Mann , D Scott , JM Harris , AJ Adamson

To read the full abstract: N Engl J Med 2017;377:13-27Other estimates of the global trends and projections in obesity have been published. In this regard, the current analysis provides similar, albeit equally worrying, data on the trends towards more obesity across all regions of the world. Moreover, a particular advance of this current study, which was funded by the Bill and Melind...

ey0020.3-15 | Advances in Growth, Bone Biology, and Mineral Metabolism | ESPEYB20

3.15. Lymphatic vessels in bone support regeneration after injury

L Biswas , J Chen , J De Angelis , A Singh , C Owen-Woods , Z Ding , JM Pujol , N Kumar , F Zeng , SK Ramasamy , AP Kusumbe

In Brief: Current dogma is that lymphatic vessels are absent in bone and bone marrow. Using advanced 3D-imaging and mouse genetics, these authors show the presence of lymph vessels in bone. Moreover, they show that genotoxic stress causes lymph vessels expansion and lymphangiogenesis in bone, which in turn promotes bone and hematopoietic regeneration.Commentary: The lymphatic system maintains fluid homeostasis, removes cellular waste products and produce...

ey0020.12-6 | Steroids | ESPEYB20

12.6. Classic and 11-oxygenated androgens in serum and saliva across adulthood: a cross-sectional study analyzing the impact of age, body mass index, and diurnal and menstrual cycle variation

L Schiffer , P Kempegowda , AJ Sitch , JE Adaway , F Shaheen , A Ebbehoj , S Singh , MP McTaggart , MW O'Reilly , A Prete , JM Hawley , BG Keevil , I Bancos , AE Taylor , W Arlt

Brief summary: In this cross-sectional study, 11-oxygenated androgens were measured in morning serum samples from 290 healthy adults (125 men, age 22–95 years; 165 women, age 21–91 years) by LC–MSMS (liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry) to generate normative values across the lifespan. In a subset of volunteers (n=83), additional measurements were performed in saliva to assess diurnal and menstrual cycle-dependent variation. In general, it w...

ey0018.15-8 | (1) | ESPEYB18

15.8. Anti-Mullerian hormone levels and risk of type 2 diabetes in women

Verdiesen Renee MG , Onland-Moret N Charlotte , van Gils Carla H , Stellato Rebecca K , Spijkerman Annemieke MW , Picavet H Susan J , Broekmans Frank JM , Verschuren WM Monique , van der Schouw Yvonne T

Diabetologia, 2021; 64, 375–384. authors measured plasma anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) levels over 2x 5-year intervals in a prospective cohort study of 3293 healthy women aged 20–59 years at baseline. Lower baseline age-specific AMH levels were associated with a higher risk of Type 2 di...

ey0019.5-8 | Advances in clinical practice | ESPEYB19

5.8. Growth in achondroplasia including stature, weight, weight-for-height and head circumference from CLARITY: achondroplasia natural history study-a multi-center retrospective cohort study of achondroplasia in the US

JE Hoover-Fong , KJ Schulze , AY Alade , MB Bober , E Gough , SS Hashmi , JT Hecht , JM Legare , ME Little , P Modaff , RM Pauli , DF Rodriguez-Buritica , ME Serna , C Smid , C Liu , J McGready

Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2021 Dec 23;16(1):522.Abstract: https://pubmed-ncbi-nlm-nih-gov/34949201/In Brief: Based on over 37,000 length/height, weight and head circumference measures from 1374 patients with achondroplasia in the USA, updated length/height-for-age, weight-for-age, head circumference-for-age (HC) and weight-for-height curves were generated for children up to 18 years of age (HC u...