ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0019.7-5 | Clinical Guidance | ESPEYB19

7.5. Analysis of early-life growth and age at pubertal onset in US children

IM Aris , W Perng , D Dabelea , JM Ganiban , C Liu , K Marceau , OC Robertson , CW Hockett , NL Mihalopoulos , X Kong , MM Herting , TM O'Shea , ET Jensen , MF Hivert , E Oken

Program Collaborators for Environmental Influences on Child Health OutcomesJAMA Netw Open. 2022 Feb 1;5(2):e2146873. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.46873. PMID: 35119461 Summary: This study describes the correlation between...

ey0019.15-5 | Diabetes | ESPEYB19

15.5. Trends in prevalence of type 1 and type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents in the US, 2001-2017

JM Lawrence , J Divers , S Isom , S Saydah , G Imperatore , C Pihoker , SM Marcovina , EJ Mayer-Davis , RF Hamman , L Dolan , D Dabelea , DJ Pettitt , AD Liese , Group SfDiYS

JAMA. 2021;326(8):717-27. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.11165.PubMed ID: 34427600Brief summary: This large repeated cross-sectional study identified all individuals aged <20 years with physician-diagnosed diabetes in 6 areas in the US in 2001, 2009, and 2017. Over these 16 years, the prevalence of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) increased by 45% (95% CI, 40%–50%) and the prevalence of Type 2 diabetes...

ey0017.7-9 | Basic Science | ESPEYB17

7.9. The dynamic transcriptional cell atlas of testis development during human puberty

J Guo , X Nie , M Giebler , H Mlcochova , Y Wang , EJ Grow , Connect Donor , R Kim , M Tharmalingam , G Matilionyte , C Lindskog , DT Carrell , RT Mitchell , A Goriely , JM Hotaling , BR Cairns

To read the full abstract: Cell Stem Cell vol. 26,2 (2020): 262–276.e4. doi: paper describes a transcriptional analysis of human spermatogonial stem cells during puberty and the involvement of testosterone in Sertoli cell maturation.The...

ey0016.3-6 | Thyroid and Pregnancy | ESPEYB16

3.6. Association of maternal iodine status with child IQ: a meta-analysis of individual-participant data

D Levie , TIM Korevaar , SC Bath , M Murcia , M Dineva , S Llop , M Espada , Herwaarden AE van , Rijke YB de , JM Ibarluzea , J Sunyer , H Tiemeier , MP Rayman , M Guxens , RP Peeters

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Mar 28. pii: jc.2018-02559. [Epub ahead of print]This meta-analysis aimed to define the effect of mild to moderate iodine deficiency on child neurological outcome. The authors combined data from three large prospective national studies on 6180 mother child pairs with available urinary iodine and creatinine concentrations in pregnan...

ey0016.11-1 | New Insights into Body Weight Regulation | ESPEYB16

11.1. Genetic architecture of human thinness compared to severe obesity

F Riveros-McKay , V Mistry , R Bounds , A Hendricks , JM Keogh , H Thomas , E Henning , LJ Corbin , Understanding Society Scientific Group , S O'Rahilly , E Zeggini , E Wheeler , I Barroso , IS Farooqi

To read the full abstract: PLoS Genet. 2019; 15(1):e1007603.This genome wide association study reveals new insights into the genetic basis of thinness by investigating a large cohort of healthy persistently thin individuals. In the past, it has been speculated that inheritance of thinness may constitute a protective factor against environmental factors disposing to obesity (1). Neverthel...

ey0016.11-6 | Tracking, Programming, and Epigenetics | ESPEYB16

11.6. Adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction in human obesity is linked to a specific DNA methylation signature in adipose-derived stem cells

M Ejarque , V Ceperuelo-Mallafre , C Serena , E Maymo-Masip , X Duran , A Diaz-Ramos , M Millan-Scheiding , Y Nunez-Alvarez , C Nunez-Roa , P Gama , PM Garcia-Roves , MA Peinado , JM Gimble , A Zorzano , J Vendrell , S Fernandez-Veledo

To read the full abstract: Int J Obes (Lond). 2019;43(6):1256–1268This epigenome-wide association study in stromal/stem cells (ASCs), derived from subcutaneous adipose tissue samples of lean and obese subjects, revealed a specific DNA methylation signature in adipocyte precursors associated with obesity, which has a significant impact on the metabolic phenotype and the mitochondrial...

ey0016.12-7 | Metabolic Syndrome | ESPEYB16

12.7. Prospective associations between socioeconomically disadvantaged groups and metabolic syndrome risk in European children. Results from the IDEFICS study

I Iguacel , N Michels , W Ahrens , K Bammann , G Eiben , JM Fernandez-Alvira , S Marild , D Molnar , L Reisch , P Russo , M Tornaritis , T Veidebaum , M Wolters , LA Moreno , C Bornhorst , IDEFICS consortium Bornhorst

To read the full abstract: Int J Cardiol 2018;272:333–340.Summary: In a multi-center prospective cohort study of 2401 European children, early life exposure to socioeconomic disadvantages, particularly living in low-educated families, having a non-traditional family structure, parental unemployment and the accumulation of >3 disadvantages were associated with higher ris...

ey0016.13-13 | Growth and Nutrition | ESPEYB16

13.13. Independent and combined effects of improved water, sanitation, and hygiene, and improved complementary feeding, on child stunting and anaemia in rural Zimbabwe: a cluster-randomised trial

JH Humphrey , MNN Mbuya , R Ntozini , LH Moulton , RJ Stoltzfus , NV Tavengwa , K Mutasa , F Majo , B Mutasa , G Mangwadu , CM Chasokela , A Chigumira , B Chasekwa , LE Smith , JM Tielsch , AD Jones , AR Manges , JA Maluccio , AJ Prendergast

Lancet Glob Health 2019;7: e132–47. DOI: 10.1093/cid/civ844• This cluster-randomised, community-based trial investigates whether the combination of a water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) intervention and of improved infant and young child feeding (IYCF) intervention improves stunting and anemia in children living in rural Zimbabwe.• Stunting decreased with ...

ey0015.6-16 | When should an extensive genetic investigation be performed? | ESPEYB15

6.16 Family history is under-estimated in children with isolated hypospadias: a French multicenter report of 88 families

M Ollivier , F Paris , P Philibert , S Garnier , A Coffy , N Fauconnet-Servant , M Haddad , JM Guys , R Reynaud , A Faure , T Merrot , K Wagner , J Bréaud , JS Valla , E Dobremez , L Gaspari , JP Daures , C Sultan , N Kalfa

To read the full abstract: J Urol. 2018 Apr 30. pii: S0022-5347(18)43073-X[Comments on 6.15 and 6.16] There is ongoing discussion regarding when extended genetic tests are indicated in DSD. There is also a discussion regarding what should be included in the definition of DSD. Are mild forms of hypospadias a type of DSD and where sho...

ey0020.4-8 | Risk for Gonadal Malignancy and Gonadectomy in DSD | ESPEYB20

4.8. Consensus guide on prophylactic gonadectomy in different sex development

J Guerrero-Fernandez , P Gonzalez-Peramato , A Rodriguez Estevez , MJ Alcazar Villar , L Audi Parera , MC Azcona San Julian , A Carcavilla Urqui , LA Castano Gonzalez , JM Martos Tello , C Mora Palma , MF Moreno Macian , D Yeste Fernandez , M Nistal

Brief summary: This review article offers an update on knowledge on prophylactic gonadectomy in differences of sex development (DSDs) and evaluates the latest existing clinical evidence, which is generally limited, on risk of gonadal neoplasia potential in each group of DSDs.On average 15% of DSD patients with Y chromosome material predispose to gonadal neoplasms especially gonadal germ cell tumors (GGCTs); the overall risk ranges between 0.8% and 40% de...