ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0015.5-4 | New genes and gene mutations | ESPEYB15

5.4 Mutations That Alter the Carboxy-Terminal-Propeptide Cleavage Site of the Chains of Type I Procollagen Are Associated With a Unique Osteogenesis Imperfecta Phenotype

T Cundy , M Dray , J Delahunt , JD Hald , B Langdahl , C Li , M Szybowska , S Mohammed , EL Duncan , AM McInerney-Leo , PG Wheeler , P Roschger , K Klaushofer , J Rai , M Weis , D Eyre , U Schwarze , PH Byers

To read the full abstract: J Bone Miner Res 2018;33(7):1260-1271Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is characterized by early-onset skeletal fragility, often short stature, blue sclerae and some other features. OI is caused by mutations in the two genes encoding type I collagen, namely COL1A1 and COL1A2. Some previous reports have indicated that when the mutation involves the C-propeptide cleavage site in e...

ey0020.10-3 | New Data on the Epidemiology of T2D in Children | ESPEYB20

10.3. The obesity paradox: Retinopathy, obesity, and circulating risk markers in youth with type 2 diabetes in the TODAY study

LL Levitsky , KL Drews , M Haymond , RA Glubitosi-Klug , LE Levitt Katz , M Mititelu , W Tamborlane , JB Tryggestad , RS Weinstock , RS TODAY Study Group

Brief summary: This study aimed to decipher the pathophysiology of the lower prevalence of diabetic retinopathy observed among youth with T2D who also have severe obesity. None of the several biomarkers assessed was found to be associated with the obesity paradox. The biomarkers included: inflammatory factors, acute phase reactants or cytokines (VEGF, hsCRP, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, homocysteine, adiponectin, E-selectin, MCP-1, TNF-α, IL-6, fibrinogen, and ApoB).<p class="abst...

ey0019.11-13 | Weight regulation and endocrine circuits (including interventions) | ESPEYB19

11.13. Weight gain and obesity rates in transgender and gender-diverse adults before and during hormone therapy

M Kyinn , K Banks , SY Leemaqz , E Sarkodie , D Goldstein , MS Irwig Int J Obes (Lond). 2021 Dec;45(12):2562–2569. doi: 10.1038/s41366-021-00935-x. Epub 2021 Aug 16. PMID: 34400797. Summary: This retrospective chart review of 470 ethnically diverse transgender and gender diverse in...

ey0015.6-18 | Psychological aspects | ESPEYB15

6.18 Increased psychiatric morbidity in women with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome or complete gonadal dysgenesis

H Engberg , A Strandqvist , A Nordenström , A Butwicka , A Nordenskjöld , AL Hirschberg , L Frisén

To read the full abstract: J Psychosom Res. 2017 Oct;101:122-127The results of this study clearly show individuals with a DSD condition have psychological difficulties, and not only in countries with a less well developed health care systems, as reported by Khorashad et al. 2018. The findings indicate that having a DSD may impose a type of stress and vulnerability that is more common t...

ey0018.11-11 | Criticism of the previous BMI metrics for use in severely obese children | ESPEYB18

11.11. Evaluation of BMI metrics to assess change in adiposity in children with overweight and moderate and severe obesity

SE Barlow , M Salahuddin , C Durand , SJ Pont , DM Hoelscher , NF Butte

Obesity (Silver Spring) 2020 Aug;28(8):1512–1518. authors analysed a cohort of n=399 overweight and obese children (age 2–12 years), who underwent a 1-year lifestyle intervention, to test whether possible alternatives to the BMI z-score (%BMIp95, %BMIp50, BMImz) might correlate better with changes in % total body fat (%BF) a...

ey0018.11-15 | New insight into preconceptional and prenatal programming | ESPEYB18

11.15. Sex-specific programming effects of parental obesity in pre-implantation embryonic development

K Hedegger , J Philippou-Massier , S Krebs , H Blum , S Kunzelmann , K Forstemann , M Gimpfl , AA Roscher , R Ensenauer , E Wolf , M Dahlhoff

Int J Obes (Lond). 2020 May;44(5):1185–1190. authors investigated the effect of maternal and paternal obesity on gene expression level in the mouse blastocyst. Firstly, they show that female and male offspring were differentially sensitive to an obesogenic maternal environment in the early phase of preimplantation. Male blastocysts from o...

ey0016.8-2 | New Mechanisms | ESPEYB16

8.2. Isolation and characterization of adrenocortical progenitors involved in the adaptation to stress

C Steenblock , MF Rubin de Celis , LF Delgadillo Silva , V Pawolski , A Brennand , M Werdermann , I Berger , A Santambrogio , M Peitzsch , CL Andoniadou , AV Schally , SR Bornstein

To read the full abstract: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2018; 115(51): 12997–13002.Humans are constantly challenged by multiple stressors, to which the body’s response and adaptation are essential. The adrenal gland plays a major role in the response to both physiological challenges and stress. Maintenance of the adrenal is partly accomplished by proliferation and differentiat...

ey0015.1-1 | New mechanisms | ESPEYB15

1.1 Female sexual behavior in mice is controlled by kisspeptin neurons

V Hellier , O Brock , M Candlish , E Desroziers , M Aoki , C Mayer , R Piet , A Herbison , WH Colledge , V Prevot , U Boehm , J Bakker

To read the full abstract: Nat Commun 2018;9.400Pheromones play a crucial role to identify potential mates and sexual motivation in mice. These molecules are detected by a specialized circuit which initiates in the nasal septum and then relies on GnRH neurons in the hypothalamus in a sex-dependent manner. Female pheromones induce LH/testosterone release in male mice whereas male pheromones i...

ey0018.13-11 | Endocrinology | ESPEYB18

13.11. Clinical characteristics of 46,XX males with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

S Savaş-Erdeve , Z Aycan , S Cetinkaya , AP Ozturk , F Bas , S Poyrazoglu , F Darendeliler , E Ozsu , Z Sıklar , M Demiral , E Unal , M Nuri Ozbek , F Gurbuz , B Yuksel , O Evliyaoglu , N Akyurek , M Berberoglu

J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol 2020 Dec 30.doi: 10.4274/jcrpe.galenos.2020.2020.0216– The characteristics of 44 patients with 46,XX congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) who were raised as males were described– 15/44 (34%) were diagnosed before 2 years of age– The median final height was 149.2 (range 133–172) cmThis paper discusses an important ...

ey0015.8-6 | Important for Clinical Practice | ESPEYB15

8.6 Susceptibility to corticosteroid-induced adrenal suppression: a genome-wide association study

DB Hawcutt , B Francis , DF Carr , AL Jorgensen , P Yin , N Wallin , N O'Hara , EJ Zhang , KM Bloch , A Ganguli , B Thompson , L McEvoy , M Peak , AA Crawford , BR Walker , JC Blair , J Couriel , RL Smyth , M Pirmohamed

To read the full abstract: Lancet Respir Med. 2018 Mar 15. pii: S2213-2600(18)30058-4Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are recommended for adults and children with asthma, as well as for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Although ICS are generally well-tolerated and have fewer systemic adverse effects than oral corticosteroids, some patients still develop systemic adverse effects....