ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.3-1 | Novel Treatments for Rare Skeletal Disorders | ESPEYB20

3.1. Safety and efficacy of denosumab for fibrous dysplasia of bone

LF de Castro , Z Michel , K Pan , J Taylor , V Szymczuk , S Paravastu , B Saboury , GZ Papadakis , X Li , K Milligan , B Boyce , SM Paul , MT Collins , AM Boyce

In Brief: This phase 2 study investigated the effect of the RANKL inhibitor denosumab on fibrous dysplasia lesion activity, as well as the rebound in bone turnover after treatment discontinuation.Commentary: Denosumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that inhibits RANKL with potent but transient antiosteoclastic effects, and discontinuation of denosumab treatment is associated with a rebound in bone turnover. In this study, eight women received high do...

ey0015.9-8 | Growth, growth hormone and puberty in chronic diseases: novel insights from clinical practice | ESPEYB15

9.8 Growth and weight gain in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis: results from the ReACCh-Out cohort

J Guzman , T Kerr , LM Ward , J Ma , K Oen , AM Rosenberg , BM Feldman , G Boire , K Houghton , P Dancey , R Scuccimarri , A Bruns , AM Huber , K Watanabe Duffy , NJ Shiff , RA Berard , DM Levy , E Stringer , K Morishita , N Johnson , DA Cabral , M Larché , RE Petty , RM Laxer , E Silverman , P Miettunen , AL Chetaille , E Haddad , L Spiegel , SE Turvey , H Schmeling , B Lang , J Ellsworth , SE Ramsey , J Roth , S Campillo , S Benseler , G Chédeville , R Schneider , SML Tse , R Bolaria , K Gross , D Feldman , B Cameron , R Jurencak , J Dorval , C LeBlanc , C St Cyr , M Gibbon , RSM Yeung , CM Duffy , LB Tucker

To read the full abstract: Pediatr Rheumatol Online J. 2017Aug 22;15(1):68This large prospective study analysed growth in children with JIA during a 3-year period from diagnosis. Interesting findings emerge: the heights and weights of these patients, clearly compromised in historical cohorts, appeared nearly normal. Increased risk of growth impairment was noted in patients with systemic arthr...

ey0018.12-13 | Lipids | ESPEYB18

12.13. Comparison of the mutation spectrum and association with pre and post treatment lipid measures of children with heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) from eight European countries

M Futema , U Ramaswami , L Tichy , MP Bogsrud , KB Holven , J Roeters van Lennep , A Wiegman , OS Descamps , A De Leener , E Fastre , M Vrablik , T Freiberger , H Esterbauer , H Dieplinger , S Greber-Platzer , AM Medeiros , M Bourbon , V Mollaki , E Drogari , SE Humphries

Atherosclerosis. 2021 Feb;319:108–117. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2021.01.008. PMID: 33508743.In brief: This multi-centre study included 2866 children with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) from 8 European countries. The mutation spectrum was assessed, as were associations between gene mutations and clinical characteristics and pre and post-treatment lipid ...

ey0019.10-9 | Advances in clinical practice | ESPEYB19

10.9. Comparison of insulin dose adjustments made by artificial intelligence based decision support system and by physicians in people with type 1 diabetes using multiple daily injections therapy

R Nimri , A Tirosh , I Muller , Y Shtrit , I Kraljević , MM Alonso , T Milicic , B Saboo , A Deeb , A Christoforidis , Brinker M den , L Bozzetto , AM Bolla , M Krcma , RA Rabini , S Tabba , A Vazeou-Gerasimidi , G Maltoni , E Giani , I Dotan , IF Liberty , Y Toledano , O Kordonouri , N Bratina , K Dovc , T Biester , E Atlas , M Phillip

Diabetes Technol Ther. 2022;24:564-572. doi: Summary: This physician survey-based study compared insulin dose recommendations between an artificial intelligence-based decision support system (ED-DSS) and 20 experienced physicians from 11 countries. Using data from 17 individuals with type 1 diabetes (T1D) treated with multiple daily insulin inj...

ey0019.11-3 | New findings in adipose tissue biology | ESPEYB19

11.3. Isthmin-1 is an adipokine that promotes glucose uptake and improves glucose tolerance and hepatic steatosis

Z Jiang , M Zhao , L Voilquin , Y Jung , MA Aikio , T Sahai , FY Dou , AM Roche , I Carcamo-Orive , JW Knowles , M Wabitsch , EA Appel , CL Maikawa , JP Camporez , GI Shulman , L Tsai , ED Rosen , CD Gardner , BM Spiegelman , KJ Svensson Cell Metab 2021; 33(9): 1836–1852.e11 Summary: This rodent study identified a novel adipokine in mice which triggers a signaling cascade similar to that of insulin. By acting via an unknown tyrosine kinase, isthmin-1 (ISM1) ameliorates metabolic disturbances associated wit...

ey0019.12-10 | Metabolic syndrome | ESPEYB19

12.10. Atlas of exercise metabolism reveals time-dependent signatures of metabolic homeostasis

P. Sato S, Dyar KA, Treebak JT, Jepsen SL, Ehrlich AM, Ashcroft SP, Trost K, Kunzke T, Prade VM, Small L, Basse AL, Schonke M, Chen S, Samad M, Baldi P, Barres R, Walch A, Moritz T, Holst JJ, Lutter D, Zierath JR, Sassone-Corsi

Cell metabolism 2022;34(2):329-45.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.12.016Brief Summary: In a mouse model, time of exercise during the day was found to determine the magnitude and type of metabolic response. Different tissues responded to exercise at different times of the day.Comment: Exercise is considered a vital intervention in the prevention and treatment of individu...

ey0017.4-12 | New paradigms | ESPEYB17

4.12. IGSF1 Deficiency results in human and murine somatotrope neurosecretory hyperfunction

SD Joustra , F Roelfsema , ASP van Trotsenburg , HJ Schneider , RP Kosilek , HM Kroon , JG Logan , NC Butterfield , X Zhou , C Toufaily , B Bak , MO Turgeon , E Brule , FJ Steyn , M Gurnell , O Koulouri , P Le Tissier , P Fontanaud , JHD Bassett , GR Williams , W Oostdijk , JM Wit , AM Pereira , NR Biermasz , DJ Bernard , N Schoenmakers

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab, March 2020, 105(3):e70–e84A cohort of 21 adult males (aged 19 to 89 years) harboring hemizygous pathogenic IGSF1 gene mutations underwent anthropometry, endocrine testing, testis ultrasonography, and body composition assessment to define the pathophysiological role of IGSF1 in influencing GH secretion. In addition, two lines of Igsf1 -deficient male mice were use...

ey0017.8-17 | Food for Thought | ESPEYB17

8.17. Plasma renin measurements are unrelated to mineralocorticoid replacement dose in patients with primary adrenal insufficiency

R Pofi , A Prete , V Thornton-Jones , J Bryce , SR Ali , Ahmed S Faisal , A Balsamo , F Baronio , A Cannuccia , A Guven , T Guran , F Darendeliler , C Higham , W Bonfig , L de Vries , TASS Bachega , MC Miranda , BB Mendonca , V Iotova , M Korbonits , NP Krone , R Krone , A Lenzi , W Arlt , RJ Ross , AM Isidori , JW Tomlinson

To read the full abstract: J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105(1): dgz055. PMID: 31613957.Mineralocorticoid (MC) replacement therapy along with glucocorticoid (GC) replacement is crucial to avoid life-threating adrenal crises in Addison´s disease (AD) and in classical CAH (1–3). MC is administered with the aim of achieving plasma renin concentration (PRC) within the upper limit of ...

ey0017.14-12 | (1) | ESPEYB17

14.12. Brain-Sparing sympathofacilitators mitigate obesity without adverse cardiovascular effects

I Mahu , A Barateiro , E Rial-Pensado , N Martinez-Sanchez , SH Vaz , PMSD Cal , B Jenkins , T Rodrigues , C Cordeiro , MF Costa , R Mendes , E Seixas , MMA Pereira , N Kubasova , V Gres , I Morris , C Temporao , M Olivares , Y Sanz , A Koulman , F Corzana , AM Sebastiao , M Lopez , GJL Bernardes , AI Domingos

To read the full abstract: Cell Metab. 2020 Jun 2;31(6):1120-1135.e7. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.04.013.This experimental rodent study of a PEGylated amphetamine (PEGyAMPH) designed to not cross the blood brain barrier is interesting for 2 reasons. First, it shows that its peripheral anti-obesity effects alone (without the central anorexic effects of amphetamine) are sufficient to achieve...

ey0016.2-2 | Neonatal Hypoglycaemia | ESPEYB16

2.2. Congenital hyperinsulinism as the presenting feature of Kabuki syndrome: clinical and molecular characterization of 9 affected individuals

KL Yap , AEK Johnson , D Fischer , P Kandikatla , J Deml , V Nelakuditi , S Halbach , GS Jeha , LC Burrage , O Bodamer , VC Benavides , AM Lewis , S Ellard , P Shah , D Cody , A Diaz , A Devarajan , L Truong , SAW Greeley , DD De Leon , AC Edmondson , S Das , P Thornton , D Waggoner , D Del Gaudio

To read the full abstract: Genet Med. 2019 Jan;21(1):233–242.This study documented the clinical features and molecular diagnoses of 9 infants with persistent hyperinsulinism and Kabuki syndrome via a combination of sequencing and copy-number profiling methodologies.KS is characterized by typical facial features (long palpebral fissures with eversion of the lat...