ISSN 1662-4009 (online)

ey0020.6-9 | New Concerns | ESPEYB20

6.9. Leukocyte telomere length in children with congenital adrenal hyperplasia

C Raftopoulou , O Abawi , G Sommer , M Binou , G Paltoglou , CE Fluck , ELT van den Akker , E Charmandari

Brief summary: This prospective observational cohort study determined leukocyte telomere length (LTL) in 76 patients with genetically confirmed CAH (83% classic CAH). LTL was shorter in patients with classic vs nonclassic CAH, in overtreated than in optimally treated patients, and patients receiving prednisolone compared with hydrocortisone.Telomeres are tandem repeats of a noncoding hexameric nucleotide sequence (5′-TTAGGG-3′) located at the...

ey0020.13-12 | Section | ESPEYB20

13.12. Embryo model completes gastrulation to neurulation and organogenesis

G Amadei , CE Handford , C Qiu , J De Jonghe , H Greenfeld , M Tran , BK Martin , DY Chen , A Aguilera-Castrejon , JH Hanna , MB Elowitz , F Hollfelder , J Shendure , DM Glover , M Zernicka-Goetz

In Brief: The authors created mouse embryos in the laboratory from a combination of multiple stem cell lines. These embryos were developed ex vivo up to the equivalent of day 8.5 post-fertilization. Embryos developed within an extraembryonic yolk sac and were similar to whole natural embryos, with defined forebrain and midbrain regions, a beating heart-like structure, a neural tube and somites, a tail bud containing neuromesodermal progenitors, a gut tube, and also pr...

ey0020.9-15 | Obesity and Insulin/Glucose Metabolism | ESPEYB20

9.15. Insulin and body mass index decrease serum soluble leptin receptor levels in humans

C Sommer , KG Vangberg , GH Moen , DM Evans , S Lee-Odegard , IK Blom-Hogestol , L Sletner , AK Jenum , CA Drevon , HL Gulseth , KI Birkeland

Brief summary: This pooled study, including five cross-sectional or intervention studies (n=24–823) and using publicly available data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to perform Mendelian randomization, investigated the influence of glucose, insulin, body fat, body mass index (BMI), food intake, and physical activity on serum soluble leptin receptor (sOb-R) levels. The authors showed that insulin and BMI were associated with decreased serum sOb-R level...

ey0015.5-4 | New genes and gene mutations | ESPEYB15

5.4 Mutations That Alter the Carboxy-Terminal-Propeptide Cleavage Site of the Chains of Type I Procollagen Are Associated With a Unique Osteogenesis Imperfecta Phenotype

T Cundy , M Dray , J Delahunt , JD Hald , B Langdahl , C Li , M Szybowska , S Mohammed , EL Duncan , AM McInerney-Leo , PG Wheeler , P Roschger , K Klaushofer , J Rai , M Weis , D Eyre , U Schwarze , PH Byers

To read the full abstract: J Bone Miner Res 2018;33(7):1260-1271Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is characterized by early-onset skeletal fragility, often short stature, blue sclerae and some other features. OI is caused by mutations in the two genes encoding type I collagen, namely COL1A1 and COL1A2. Some previous reports have indicated that when the mutation involves the C-propeptide cleavage site in e...

ey0018.7-1 | Clinical Guidance | ESPEYB18

7.1. Cranial MRI abnormalities and long-term follow-up of the lesions in 770 girls with central precocious puberty

D Helvacıoğlu , S Demircioğlu Turan , T Guran , Z Atay , A Dağcınar , D Bezen , E Karakılıc Ozturan , F Darendeliler , A Yuksel , F Dursun , S Kılınc , S Semiz , S Abalı , M Yıldız , A Onder , A Bereket

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021 Mar 25:dgab190. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgab190. PMID: 33765130. brief: This multicentre cohort study explores the frequency, long-term outcomes and potential p...

ey0020.12-9 | Basic Research | ESPEYB20

12.9. Formin-mediated nuclear actin at androgen receptors promotes transcription

J Knerr , R Werner , C Schwan , H Wang , P Gebhardt , H Grotsch , A Caliebe , M Spielmann , PM Holterhus , R Grosse , NC Hornig

Brief summary: Two unrelated patients with a disorder of sex development (DSD) phenotype of partial androgen insensitivity (PAIS) showed heterozygous variants in the DAAM2 gene. Their genital skin fibroblasts showed reduced dihydrotestosterone-stimulated androgen receptor (AR) activity. Extensive basic studies revealed the underlying mechanism of the DSD in which DAAM2-regulated actin polymerization at the ligand-inducible androgen receptor is required for androgen-st...

ey0017.11-2 | New Genetic Findings | ESPEYB17

11.2. Loss-of-function mutations in MRAP2 are pathogenic in hyperphagic obesity with hyperglycemia and hypertension

M Baron , J Maillet , M Huyvaert , A Dechaume , R Boutry , H Loiselle , E Durand , B Toussaint , E Vaillant , J Philippe , J Thomas , A Ghulam , S Franc , G Charpentier , JM Borys , C Levy-Marchal , M Tauber , R Scharfmann , J Weill , C Aubert , J Kerr-Conte , F Pattou , R Roussel , B Balkau , M Marre , M Boissel , M Derhourhi , S Gaget , M Canouil , P Froguel , A Bonnefond

To read the full abstract: Nature Medicine. 2019;25(11):1733–8. PMID 31700171.These authors sequenced the gene for melanocortin-2 receptor accessory protein (MRAP2 ) in 9418 blood DNA samples from several population studies. They detected 23 rare heterozygous variants, which were significantly associated with an increased risk of obesity (OR 3.8 in children and 2.9 in adults)....

ey0019.6-7 | Basic and Genetic Research of DSD | ESPEYB19

6.7. MAP3K1 variant causes hyperactivation of Wnt4/[beta]-catenin/FOXL2 signaling contributing to 46,XY disorders/differences of sex development

H Chen , Q Chen , Y Zhu , K Yuan , H Li , B Zhang , Z Jia , H Zhou , M Fan , Y Qiu , Q Zhuang , Z Lei , M Li , W Huang , L Liang , Q Yan , C Wang

Front Genet. 2022 Mar 3;13:736988. PMID: 35309143, doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.736988.Brief Summary: This molecular study highlights a novel mechanism of action of Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1 (MAP3K1) in the development of testicular dysgenesis.MAP3K1 is one of the most common genes that has been identified to cause 46, XY DSD and variants are attribu...

ey0019.2-14 | Neonatal diabetes mellitus | ESPEYB19

2.14. Mutations and variants of ONECUT1 in diabetes

A Philippi , S Heller , IG Costa , V Senee , M Breunig , Z Li , G Kwon , R Russell , A Illing , Q Lin , M Hohwieler , A Degavre , P Zalloua , S Liebau , M Schuster , J Krumm , X Zhang , R Geusz , JR Benthuysen , A Wang , J Chiou , K Gaulton , H Neubauer , E Simon , T Klein , M Wagner , G Nair , C Besse , C Dandine-Roulland , R Olaso , JF Deleuze , B Kuster , M Hebrok , T Seufferlein , M Sander , BO Boehm , F Oswald , M Nicolino , C Julier , A Kleger

Nat Med. 2021 Nov;27(11):1928-1940. doi: 10.1038/s41591-021-01502-7. PMID: 34663987.Brief Summary: This clinical study characterised the spectrum of novel diabetes phenotypes due to mutations in the Transcription factor One Cut Homeobox 1 (ONECUT1)/hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF6). The study uncovers novel forms of diabetes mellitus due to mutations in ONECUT1.<p cl...

ey0018.4-13 | New Paradigms | ESPEYB18

4.13 A Genome-wide pharmacogenetic study of growth hormone responsiveness

A Dauber , Y Meng , L Audi , S Vedantam , B Weaver , A Carrascosa , K Albertsson-Wikland , M Ranke , A Jorge , J Cara , MP Wajnrajch , A Lindberg , C Camacho-Hübner , JN Hirschhorn

J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020;105:3203–3214. doi: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa443. PMID: 32652002The authors performed a large genome-wide association study (GWAS) to assess the role of common genetic variants in the response to GH therapy. A total of 614 children treated with GH were included: 276 with idiopathic GHD, 297 with ISS, and 41 born SGA. The findings implicate some novel mechanisms...